Category: Career

Easy DIY Lip Scrub For Soft, Smooth Lips

diy lip scrub, make your own lip scrub

A few weeks ago I shared over on my Instagram Stories a go-to beauty product that I’m loving lately.  I had so many questions on it, so I thought I would let it live on over on my YouTube channel.

This lip scrub is super easy to create because it uses only 2 ingredients!  After using it, my lips feel smooth, moisturized and even a little fuller. WIN!

You can watch the video online or down below to see what to include in this DIY lip scrub:

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As you can see, I’m all about saving money and not spending a fortune on beauty products.  That’s why if I have a problem I love finding a DIY solution using items I already have on hand.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much as I do!

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done)

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done)

If you’ve been following me for awhile you know my love of getting stuff done, I talk a lot about being efficient and getting more done in less time a lot on my Instagram.  I have a knack to volunteer myself for different organizations in town, say yes more than I should and still have dreams of building my own empire – with work and my business.  So I need a schedule that will work for my ever-changing day and my busy life.

That’s why a few years ago I started following the block schedule.

It’s been a game changer.  Seriously.

If at the end of the day you feel as if you have accomplished hardly anything on your to do list, you’re exhausted and frustrated then I recommend trying the block schedule.  It has seriously upped my efficiency and productivity level by leaps and bounds.  It helps you get more done in less time without frustration, without burnout and without exhaustion.

Block scheduling is a pretty simple concept, but it can take a minute to explain because the customization is endless.  I put together a quick video for you all about how to get started with the block schedule system, what my blocks look like and how you can adapt them to fit your life.

You can watch my block system online or down below:

Click to tweet this video.

Here’s a quick recap:

Think of time as blocks instead of hour-by-hour.  We all have a morning block, mid-day block, afternoon, evening, and so on.  Now whether you are a stay-at-home mom, work-from-home or work-away-from-home these block schedules can work for you.  In the video I share my example with you, which I work outside the home full-time.  I also shared an example of a stay-at-home mom, too so you could get a good idea of how to apply it to your schedule.

Every day doesn’t have to be the exact same, but the goal is to create a system that gives you the ability to get it all done in less time.  When you’re in your morning block then you aren’t focused on what you could get done in your afternoon block.  Instead if something pops into your head that needs to get done later on, you simply write it down in your mom notebook or on a to-do list and get back to your current block.

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done) (1)

As promised, you can download the template – no signup required!  Just click to Download the Block Schedule template and a PDF will open for you.


block schedule from Meredith

Download the Block Schedule template.

Need More Help?

cross stress off your list_learn to lessen the overwhelm from your to do list


If you find your to do list a bit overwhelming and too many tasks on it, then grab our Cross Stress Off Exercise.  This quick step-by-step exercise will help you eliminate tasks from your to do list that you can delegate, outsource or don’t even need to mess with.  This will help you feel peace when it comes to your day so you can get what matters most done first.

Three Parking Lot Safety Tips For Women

three parking lot safety tips for women

Do you know the three basic tips for parking lot safety?  Most of us don’t even think about a potential attack or the what-if’s when we’re walking to the grocery store or into the mall.

In today’s video, I’m sharing my three personal safety tips ALL women should know.  Make sure you’re equipped and educated to better protect yourself and your little ones.

You can watch today’s sharing the THREE tips you need to know for parking lot safety video online or down below:

Tweet this video.

ONE : Park under a light.  It may be daylight when you go inside, but that can quickly vanish.  Making your car more visible means you’re more visible.

TWO : Get your phone out of your hands.  In the video, I share where you should carry your phone when walking through a parking lot (and it’s not inside your purse).

THREE : Carry pepper spray.  Get yourself a can of pepper spray and a breakaway keychain so you can easily have it at your fingertips.

Ready for more?

staging your home for protection

Grab our guide for Staging Your Home For Personal Protection so you can feel confident and safe.

Personal Protection Tips with Damsel in Defense (My New Business Goals)

Personal Protection Tips with Damsel in Defense (My New Business Goals)

Are you ready for more personal protection tips?

Lately, you may have noticed that on Fridays we share self defense tips and new ideas from Damsel in Defense.  Usually I go live over on our Facebook page every Wednesday morning to share something that is relevant to working women, to busy moms, and so on.  A few weeks ago I shared more about who Damsel in Defense is and how we got started.

I may have even shared some of our big goals for 2019 along with my personal goals for my business.

Watch the video online or down below:

Tweet this video.

staging your home for protection

If you’re looking for help when it comes to protecting your home then grab my Staging Your Home For Personal Protection guide.  This great guide will you learn new techniques for locking your home, guarding it and teaching your little ones what to do if something should happen.

Let’s Talk About Goal Setting Strategies To Grow Your Business in 2019

Let's Talk About Goals For 2019 To Grow Your Business

New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to sit back and spend a little time reflecting on how far you’ve come this past year.

Do you write down your New Year’s Goals or Resolutions?  If so, do you know where those are even at?  Most of us start each year off with the best of intentions, but then life gets in the way.  Our kids need us (which is a good thing), we get sick, we get stressed, and we get distracted.

It happens.

It doesn’t mean we stop setting goals, it just means we need to get more strategic with them.  We need to start setting SMART goals so that we can quickly see the progress we’re making without the feeling of overwhelm.

But before we can really start making goals for the upcoming year, we need to see how far we’ve come.  So take a few minutes and find your 2018 resolutions.  You may have to dig for a bit in your nightstand drawer or search on your computer, but go find those goals.

You can check out my 2018 goals on the blog.  Each year I sit down with a pen and paper and jot down a few goals for myself.  If you notice on last year’s post I was pretty vague, which is why I don’t feel as if I accomplished them all.

I do know one goal, which was a biggie was achieved and that’s earning the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation.  That took a lot of studying, a lot of testing and it felt great when I earned those letters.

This year I’m trying something different – I’m going to be more finite in my goal setting.

I want to encourage you to join me – let’s some some goals for ourselves, but not just any goals – let’s be strategic, let’s be measurable and let’s get started today.

If you need help keeping track of your 2019 goals then I suggest checking out Trello.  It’s a web-based project management tool that helps you keep track of your progress, make checklists and keep it all in one place.  I use Trello to help block out my schedule so that I can run my business while working full-time and raising a family.

Here’s a snapshot of my SMART goals for this next year:

how to set SMART goals, goal setting basics, keeping track of your goals, how to grow your business

As you can see I broke each goal down into the month I want to achieve them, the specific amount I want to reach or my actual goal, and have a space to easily keep track of my progress in each task.

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If you’re wondering what the different colors mean, here’s a key that I came up:

how to set SMART goals, goal setting basics, keeping track of your goals, how to grow your business

Each area of my life – my businesses, my career and personally are labeled with their own color.  That way it’s a lot easier to keep track of what exactly I’m working on . On top of that, I created a few other cards (Trello lingo for list) to help me stay focused on the goal at hand.  I can easily drag and drop my goals into four other lists: goals for the week, current sprint, in progress, and ongoing projects.

Goals For This Week.  Where I plan to take my checklist and turn each one into an achievable task with a shorter due date.

Current Sprint.  Items I am currently focused on that might need to take longer than a week.

In Progress.  Tasks that are being worked on, but am waiting on the next step to keep moving forward.

Ongoing Projects. Goals that will be an ongoing process.

What are your goals this upcoming year?

Want More?

grab your cross stress off your list guide (1)

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!

What Do You Do With Your 24 Hours Each Day (How To Reach Your Goals)

how to reach your goals, same 24 hours in a day

One of my favorite quotes talks about how we all have the same 24 hours in a day and it’s what we do with them that matters.

As someone who loves to be busy, there are days where I start to feel that I am just running in circles and not making much progress.  I’m sure it happens to most moms – you go through the day’s routine without much thought.  You wake up and get ready with moments to spare before your littles need to get up.  You feed them, dress them and then rush out the door barely making it on time.  Next it’s drop offs, traffic and your daily to-do list running through your mind before making it to work.  Then it’s work all day, crossing things off your to-do list and putting out fires.  Before you know it, it’s time to pick up the kiddos and head home to cook dinner, do dishes and start a load of laundry.

Or is that just my typical day?

Hmmm… as someone who has big goals for myself and my business it gets hard to stay focused day in and day out.  Life gets in the way and for good reason.  We close the laptop early so we can be present with our families.  We fall into bed out of exhaustion, telling ourselves we’re wake up even earlier to get more done, but then we hit that snooze button.

It’s okay, but we really need to be working towards our goals.  The best way to do that is by keeping our dreams top of mind.  Let’s start making sure we know, our husbands know, our friends know what our end goal is.  That way they can start encouraging us along the way.

Let’s start using our 24 hours to our advantage:

inspirational quote, 24 hours in a day

Make A Plan

Create a plan for each day. I love using time blocking as a way to fit in all the have-to-get done tasks and the steps to reach my goals.  Write out all the tasks that you need to be working on to help you reach your goal.  Make sure to save some buffer time for those fires, but you have to start prioritizing your goals too.

Write Out Your Goals

List out what your big goals are so that you can create smaller steps to help you get there.  I’ve talked about this idea before.  You need your big goals with small mini goals with closer deadlines.  That way you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Put your goals where you can see them every day.  Stick them to your mirror, hang them inside your closet, or make them your screensaver on your phone.  Make sure you see them every single day.

Do What You Love

When you’re focused on what you’re passionate about then it doesn’t feel like work (tweet it).  For instance, I love helping families learn to budget their money.  That’s my passion.  When you’re working towards a goal that incorporates your passion then you will find the time for it.  You won’t be putting it off, you won’t be avoiding it.

Cherish The Small Moments

How many times do you achieve a goal (big or small) and you just keep moving forward?  No celebration?  No victory dance?  Nothing?  Stop it!

You need to celebrate all the wins.  No matter if that means calling someone to share that moment with (I usually call my husband and my sister) or just posting it in a business owner group (I’m part of a few on Facebook and it’s amazing to see all of us support one another).

Want More?

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!


How To Increase Revenue This Year

how to increase revenue this year

With the end of 2018 nearing, now is usually the time we start to slow down and take breaks.  What if I told you that you can easily increase revenue and grow your business.  Even get those new clients between now and the end of the year.  If you’re a small business owner like I am – either a creative business online like our budget shop, selling products that you’re passionate about or just finding you’re footing in a new career – then this time of year is a favorite season of business ownership.

There are two possibilities at this point:

You either are so busy that you’re running around like a crazy person with to-do lists piled everywhere.

You’re dreaming up your new goals for the upcoming year.

No matter which category you fall into there are a few things you can do each and every day.  Let’s go through three things you can do today to increase revenue and jump start your business:

Ask For Help. 

Let’s get something straight – as mommas and/or business owners, we cannot do it all ourselves.  You need help and guidance  from those that have been there before us.  We need help when we don’t understand.  Especially when we’re feeling overloaded and overwhelmed.  So don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Asking for help does not mean you’re a failure, it means you are brave and recognize that you need a team behind you.

So ask for help.  Ask for guidance.  Don’t be afraid to ask for someone to help watch the kids so you can finish one small project.  Ask your friend that cleans houses if she can fit you in so that it’s one less thing you have to worry about before family arrives.  Ask.

Here’s a few categories that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for some help (although any category is a green light for help):

Finances – whether you need help with your personal, family budget or on a larger scale with your company’s finances.  Make sure to get the help you need – we offer one-on-one coaching to families that are looking for a clear path to get themselves out of debt.  If you need help tackling your company’s finances so you better understand where your money is going, reach out to an accountant for help.

Social Media – when it comes to running a business there is nothing more exciting, and yet, frustrating than managing all. the. platforms.  You know you need to be on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and every other new social media tool but it’s hard to find the time.  That’s when hiring a virtual assistant to work a few hours each week to create and schedule your posts can be a huge help.

House Work – during a busy season it can be hard to stay on top of everything.  Usually for us the first to go is our housekeeping.  We tend to do the bare minimum and let the heavy cleaning fall off, which means eventually it gets to be too much.  So don’t be afraid to find someone to come in every other week or so to do the heavy lifting for you – dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, and so on.  You can have a housekeeper come in for a small investment and have them help with specific tasks – clean baseboards, clean cobwebs out of corners, clean bathrooms, etc. so that you just have to handle the smaller tasks.

Dream As If It’s Happened.

I learned this from a few other successful business owners and have found it to be super powerful in my own life.  Write your dreams and goals as if they’ve already happened.  Instead of saying “I plan to have 10 new clients this month.” Start saying, “I will be an motivational coach by having 10 or more new clients sign up this month.”

Once you start believing in your dreams as if they are a reality then there’s only one way you can go.

The more you know, the greater you will grow. 

When you’re struggling with an area in your life or your business, then research it. Google, Youtube, and other resources are great ways to dig deep into your problem areas.  Leaders that have come before you are great mentors to help you reach your goals because they have paved the way for you.  To help reach your goals get books on those topics, listen to podcasts, read the blogs and put in the work.

Now I’m not suggesting going to Dr. Google or Dr. FB for all your medical answers, that should be left to the medical professionals.  However, you can use online resources to help you better understand what you’re working towards.  The best part?  You should be able to find your answers for free (it may just take some work).

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Stop Putting Yourself Down. 

You are worthy of growth.  So, please start believing in yourself.  You need to make sure you understand that your products, your mentoring, your business is worth the cost.  Stop selling yourself short and stop undercutting your sales.  If you want to grow then you need to believe in your products.  You need to stop being fearful of letting others know what exactly you do.

Yes, it can be scary putting yourself out there online, but if you have big aspirations then you need to stop letting your fear get the best of you.  Be brave.

You’ll notice that I mentioned my one-on-one budget coaching earlier in this post.  Not because I’m fishing for a sale, but because I believe in my products.  I know my products work and have helped other families and that gives me the confidence to mention them.  Either you’re interested or you’re not and that’s okay.

Don’t start believing that one or two or five rejections are a reflection on you.  Not everyone will be a good fit for you or your services or products and that’s okay.

Want More?

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!

Favorite Business Books for Growth

Affiliate Disclosure: Please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. 

favorite business books for growth

Are you trying to start a new side business or maybe you’re trying to grow it into full-time income.  Sometimes you need some motivation and a good kick in the pants to keep things moving.  I think that’s why I love business books as much as I do.  I love finding new inspiration and new ideas from others that have been where I am.

Honestly, the best coaches are the ones that have been where you currently are – they’re just a few steps ahead of you.  I’ve mentioned my favorite budget books and inspirational money books before, which was a huge hit!  I thought today would be a good time to share some of my favorite business growth books with you.

business books, inspiring business growth books, good to great

Good To Great by Jim Collins

I read this book for extra credit in college and still to this day, it’s a favorite. It was such great insight and wisdom about finding the right people for the right seat on the bus.  Not that long ago my Dad (who I work with) came back from a conference saying that he was going to loan me a book as soon as he was finished that I needed to read – it was Good to Great.  I told him I read that years ago and still had the copy in my office.  He was shocked and a little proud.

business books, inspiring business growth books, profit first

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

If you’re a struggling business owner not sure how you’re ever going to make money from your business then this book is a must. It breaks down the idea of paying yourself first then taxes and then spending the rest back in your business.  This is another one Dad had laying on his desk telling me that I needed to read it since it was a big talking point these days – but I beat him to the punch again by checking it out of our local library a month earlier.

business books, inspiring business growth books, lean in

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

I can’t say enough good things about this one.  I read it on a drive somewhere (J drove, I road) and couldn’t put it down . She’s very inspiring, very direct and I loved it.  As a woman leader it’s motivating to hear from other women who have conquered so much.

business books, inspiring business growth books, get over your damn self

Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt

If you’re in a network marketing business or a sales rep then I highly recommend Romi’s book . It’s the perfect kick in the pants you need to get your business moving and growing.

business books, inspiring business growth books, start

Start by Jon Acuff

Start was the first book I read by Jon Acuff – he’s direct, funny, and inspiring all in one book.  This is a great book for anyone trying to get started with their business, but really keep telling themselves to wait or it has to be perfect or it’s not the right time…yet.

business books, inspiring business growth books, quitter

Quitter by Jon Acuff

You’ll notice this is the second book by Jon Acuff on the list. He’s really that good.  Once you read Start and you get your new business off the ground, Quitter will help you reach your dream so that your new business can be your full-time gig.

business books, inspiring business growth books, who moved my cheese

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard

No one likes change, right? But in today’s world with technology, advancements, social media, and a lot of other factors most jobs are changing.  We need to be accessible, understandable and an expert.  Sometimes it can be hard when you feel as if everything in your field is shifting.

business books, inspiring business growth books, four hour work week

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

My boss in college read this book and said it really helped him learn how to prioritize his day so that he could do more in less time.  I was intrigued so I borrowed it.  I loved it.  I still take a lot of what I read years ago and apply it to my career today.  It’s about prioritizing your day, taking care of the big stuff only you can handle and delegating the rest.

That’s what inspired me to create my Cross Stress Off exercise – it’s not quite like the book, it’s a bit deeper but it helps you knock the small things off your plate so you can focus on the bigger picture.

Setting Goals and Digging Deep

setting goals, goal setting tips

How good are you at setting goals?

Be honest.  No one is listening.  How good are you at setting realistic goals and then creating the path to reach them?

Most people are great at creating goals and dreaming big, but it’s the mapping out the steps that most struggle at.

So much of our time is spent grinding away at the daily tasks that we spend any free time we have dreaming of the perfect dream…

Losing those last 20 pounds…

Creating a side income that actually pays some of our bills…

Moving to a different house with more storage…

Being able to do all. the. things. for our kids…

Changing our style to look a little more put together and a little less like the struggle bus…

Or something entirely different.

Let’s take it back a few steps and create a workable plan to reach any goal you can dream of.  Sound good?

Let’s get started.

Watch today’s video where I’m sharing how to break down any goal you can dream of into actionable steps AND create a system to check in with your goal periodically to track your progress.

You can watch online or down below:

Click to tweet this video.

Step One: Dream Big

it’s time to create that big, outlandish goal.  Make sure you write it down somewhere that you see on a regular basis.  Jot it down on a post-it and stick it your bathroom mirror, make a list in Google Drive, email it to yourself and leave it unread.

Step Two: List Out Your Steps

In the video I go into more detail about listing out your steps, but the basic idea is to write down all the steps you need to take to reach your final goal.  These steps will become mini goals along your journey.

Step Three: Set Deadlines for Your Mini Goals

Once you have the steps you need to reach your big goal, it’s time to create a deadline.  It’s a lot easier to take your smaller goals (or steps) and create shorter deadlines.  That way you can easily follow your process and track your progress.  This works great for larger goals like losing 20+ pounds, paying down your debt, saving for a larger purchase, and so on.

Step Four: Check In With Your Big Goal

As I talked about in the video, I love the idea of checking in with your big goal on a regular basis.  As you cross your smaller, mini goals off the list make sure you’re still on track to reach your big goal AND that your desire hasn’t changed.  Check in a monthly or quarterly basis that way you can redirect yourself if needed.

Check out these other posts for more inspiration and help:

How To Afford More For Your Kids

5 Ways To Instantly Fix Your Budget

How To Find The Time To Chase Your Dreams

Ready for more?

grab your cross stress off your list guide (1)

Tired of feeling overwhelmed from all. the. things. on your to-do list?  Then grab my Cross Stress Off Guide.  This easy-to-follow exercise will have you feeling more relaxed, calm and ready to take on the world.  This guide is perfect for busy moms looking for ways to get more done in less time.  Grab yours HERE.

How To Find The Time To Chase Your Dreams

How To Find The Time To Chase Your Dreams

How to find the time to chase your dreams.  It’s a loaded subject.  One that I’ve been wanting to write about for awhile.  You see, I’m not a sugar coat it kind of gal.  I’m more of let’s be blunt, direct and to the point kind of woman.  I talk to you (readers of this blog) just as I would my clients, my family and my closest friends.  I talk to you how I want to be talked to.

I tell you the truth.

So hold on – today’s post is going to be a good one.

But first – let’s recap yesterday.  If you’ve been following me on Instagram (which you totally should!) I’ve been sharing a lot about the Women Aware Conference.  It was a huge undertaking, but yesterday was THE day.  And let me tell you, it was a whirlwind. I promise pictures are coming, but for now make sure to check out my Instagram Stories from yesterday.

As soon as the conference ended I got in a car with two amazing ladies and a guy to drive to another conference that’s happening today.  Yep, if you feel like I’m using the word conference an awful lot lately, it’s because I am.

But after today I get to breathe – at least for the month of October before more trips, events and conferences kick in.  Then December is usually a bit of a break, but it’s quickly followed by 4 months of tax season.  So down time is not really in my vocabulary.

I hear all too often from fellow moms, “how do you have the time?”  That’s usually right after the find out about this online blog and business I am also running.  The truth is – I have just the same amount of time in a day as anyone else.  We all are given 24 hours, but it’s how we use it that makes the biggest difference.

This is where the tough love starts to come in.

When you have goals – big goals, small goals, any goals it’s so easy to tell ourselves we don’t have the time.  But in reality what we’re saying 95% of the time is, “we’re afraid to fail.”  I get it.  I’m afraid of failure, too.  My biggest fear as a young child was disappointing my parents.  Now as an adult that fear as morphed into disappointing my spouse and my child and myself.

But when you start to look at failing differently then you find the time to chase those dreams.

Look at failing from a new angle –  where giving up is failing, where not even trying is failing, and where falling short just means try harder.

Once you start seeing failure as a new idea then you won’t have anything left to do, but try.  So when it comes to finding the time I have a few rules that I follow.  I ask myself a few things about any new project that I want to take on:

  • will this help me reach my end goal?
  • who is going to benefit – me, my family, my community?
  • do I really have the time to fully commit?

If I can answer these three questions honestly and like my responses then I add it.  But when it comes to chasing my dreams I have a few tips to help keep me on track.

Here’s my top tips on how to find the time to chase your dreams:

  1. Know your goals.  Goals are a fluid thing in my mind – I know my end goal, the big picture.  But the small steps to reach that end goal are fluid and constantly changing.I’m going to get real with you for a second – my biggest goal is to turn this online business into a full-time income while still working my full-time career.  Yes, I want more so that I can provide more for my child.  I want him to experience traveling to new places, not have to worry about college debt like his parents, and I want to live on land where my closest neighbor is miles away.  But to reach those goals I need to be greedy and keep focused.

    Your goals may not involve money at all. And yes, I keep talking about goals in the plural sense because you are allowed to hav more than one.  They can be back-t0-back or they can be at the same time.  But dream big.

  2. Set your priorities.  Once you have determined your goals you need to figure out what’s going to help you reach them.  Do you need more time to build your business?  Do you need more passive income so you can work less and be home more?  Do you need to finally take guitar lessons so you can start playing music like you’ve always dreamed?Whatever your goals are – you need to understand what it’s going to take to reach them.  Now here’s the tricky thing about goals – not only are they a fluid concept, but the steps to reach them change too.  You may set out on a path, thinking that’s where you need to be and then you come to a road block.  You’ll have to change directions.  It happens.  Roll with it.
  3. Always keep moving.  Don’t take no for an answer.  If you hear a no or are rejected, bounce back and keep moving forward.  Your path may change and you may have to attack your goal from a new position, but always keep moving.
  4. Don’t be afraid to use all of your time.  Now I’m not suggesting staying awake for a full 24 hours, but be wise of how you’re spending your time.  I started blocking my schedule a few months ago and it’s been a game changer.  I now know when it’s time to work on my business, my work, home management and all the volunteer work I do.  Make sure you’re spending your time wisely so that when it’s time to focus on your dreams you can.