Category: Printable

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done)

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done)

If you’ve been following me for awhile you know my love of getting stuff done, I talk a lot about being efficient and getting more done in less time a lot on my Instagram.  I have a knack to volunteer myself for different organizations in town, say yes more than I should and still have dreams of building my own empire – with work and my business.  So I need a schedule that will work for my ever-changing day and my busy life.

That’s why a few years ago I started following the block schedule.

It’s been a game changer.  Seriously.

If at the end of the day you feel as if you have accomplished hardly anything on your to do list, you’re exhausted and frustrated then I recommend trying the block schedule.  It has seriously upped my efficiency and productivity level by leaps and bounds.  It helps you get more done in less time without frustration, without burnout and without exhaustion.

Block scheduling is a pretty simple concept, but it can take a minute to explain because the customization is endless.  I put together a quick video for you all about how to get started with the block schedule system, what my blocks look like and how you can adapt them to fit your life.

You can watch my block system online or down below:

Click to tweet this video.

Here’s a quick recap:

Think of time as blocks instead of hour-by-hour.  We all have a morning block, mid-day block, afternoon, evening, and so on.  Now whether you are a stay-at-home mom, work-from-home or work-away-from-home these block schedules can work for you.  In the video I share my example with you, which I work outside the home full-time.  I also shared an example of a stay-at-home mom, too so you could get a good idea of how to apply it to your schedule.

Every day doesn’t have to be the exact same, but the goal is to create a system that gives you the ability to get it all done in less time.  When you’re in your morning block then you aren’t focused on what you could get done in your afternoon block.  Instead if something pops into your head that needs to get done later on, you simply write it down in your mom notebook or on a to-do list and get back to your current block.

The Block Schedule (How To Start It To Get More Done) (1)

As promised, you can download the template – no signup required!  Just click to Download the Block Schedule template and a PDF will open for you.


block schedule from Meredith

Download the Block Schedule template.

Need More Help?

cross stress off your list_learn to lessen the overwhelm from your to do list


If you find your to do list a bit overwhelming and too many tasks on it, then grab our Cross Stress Off Exercise.  This quick step-by-step exercise will help you eliminate tasks from your to do list that you can delegate, outsource or don’t even need to mess with.  This will help you feel peace when it comes to your day so you can get what matters most done first.

Creating the Perfect Budget Checklist

Budget Checklist downloadWant to learn how to budget smarter?  Then look no further because have I got a great tool for you.

I have created the ultimate checklist to help you create the best budget for you.

Budgeting usually has a negative connotation to it and can have people running in the opposite direction.  However, if a budget is used the right way then it can help you pay down debt, grow your wealth, and provide more than you ever thought was possible.

Think of a budget as a guideline.  Budgeting is a way to look at where your money is going, what your plans are for your money and helps you see how to get there.

First up – let’s look at our checklist.  You can download the checklist for yourself here.  I recommend printing the checklist and keeping it with you while you cross items off.

Once you have all the information, next it’s time to compile into an organized system.  Next in our series I will show you how to list out all of the information in a standardized manner so that it makes sense and allows you to see the big picture.
Budget Checklist downloadDownload the Budget Checklist.

Now I want to hear from you…

What do you struggle with when it comes to budgeting?

Is it the idea of having a budget?

What about having to gather all the needed information?

Do you have any great tools that can help someone out?

FREE Grow Your Blog Goals Template

blog goals template

As we start off another year I have big dreams for and my Etsy shop.  I have tried to capture every idea on paper or in a Google Drive document, but after awhile I seem to be overrun with ideas.  I really do not want to lose one or worst – never take the time to actually achieve one of my goals.

In an effort to be organized this year, I created a blog goals template to capture my ideas and set a time frame with action steps.  Here’s what my template looks like with a few of my goals listed.

grow your blog goals templateHere’s how I plan to make this goal sheet work for me:

1) divide and conquer – by setting up a category section then I know where each goal belongs.  I can spend time working on building my Pinterest following and if a new idea for content or Twitter pops into my head then I can write down the goal.  I do not know about you, but I have a tendency to get easily distracted.  If a new idea pops into my head I am immediately down the rat race of a new plan and sometimes forget to finish my original task.

2) list the goal – by specifically stating what you want to achieve then that will help develop a plan to get there.

3) action steps – I believe that the action steps are a vital part of goal setting.  These can be anything that will help you get to the final goal.  For me, this includes a brainstorming session where I sit down with a paper or sit in front of my computer and just start thinking.  What do I need to achieve this goal?  What resources do I already have?  What do I need to buy/learn?

4) projected time frame – to me this step is important, but is also negotiable.  I like to have a target date in mind, but I don’t beat myself up if I don’t hit it.  Let’s say it’s now March and I take a look at my goal sheet to see that I have not achieved my goals for January yet then I can take a look to either revaluate the goal or the time I spend on the blog.
Growing Your Blog Goals TemplateLet’s make 2014 the best year for growing our blogs and our brands.  You can download, for FREE, the growing your blog goals template here to help you get off on the right foot.  Leave a comment and let me know what your biggest objective for 2014 is.  I would love to hear all of your fabulous goals.