Category: Weight Loss

Weight loss Wednesday: Week 1

I’m going to start a new series over here on  Something that we all may be struggling with, have struggled with, or know someone who is struggling with it.  It’s weight loss.

weight loss, weightloss


I’ve never had an eating disorder.  I’ve never exercised past the point of exhaustion.  Maybe I didn’t have the will power or maybe it’s because I’m too logical and I knew those approaches were not good for me, mentally.  I’m not sure what it is.  I was pretty fit in high school.  Sure I had a little chub to my stomach, my arms were always huge and I never liked my thighs, but I was still small.  In college I gained weight, but lost it towards the end of my graduate program.  I kept the weight off for a few years, but then came marriage and becoming settled in my adult life.  I’ve noticed over the past year that the weight as slowly crept back on and I’m struggling with getting it off.

I’m not talking about an unrealistic goal of me with a six-pack abs, a thigh gap and no love handles.  I’m talking about a healthier version of myself.  One that I’m proud of and walk around with confidence.  I’m tired of hiding myself in over-sized shirts and sweaters.  I’m tired of feeling guilty after every meal – even the meals that I know are clean and healthy.  I’m just tired.  I figured if I actually talk about my issues and share them with others then maybe I will give myself a chance to heal.

You know what I really want from all of this?  The chance to play with my puppies at the park without getting out of breath.  The ability, that when the day comes and I’m a mother, to spend time with my children on the floor playing or in the backyard running around.  I don’t want to be a lazy adult or tired parent.  I don’t have kids right now and we don’t plan on starting a family for a few more years, but I want to get ready now.  I don’t want to put this off until after I have a child.  I’m already the queen of excuses now I can imagine adding a baby to the mix.

I’m starting small.  Eating cleaner, less processed food.  Portion control will be key.  Exercising will be a huge component.  I joined Crossfit in my town about 2 months ago and I love it.  I feel accomplished and challenged each time I go.  Plus, I’ve met a few people and knowing someone there always helps encourage me to actually go.  However, I need to be more consistent.  I currently go about 2-3 times a week, but I don’t make it a priority when I’m tired or have to work later.  I need to change that.  It should be ranked higher on my to-do list.

I don’t have a set goal weight that I’d like to achieve.  I think I’ll know it when I get there.  I think there is too much emphasis being placed on a number on a scale and for me, I want my emphasis to be on how I feel.

I plan on sharing weekly updates about how I’m doing and how I’m feeling.  You see, I know that a lot people I don’t know reads this blog (which is amazing!), but I also know my family reads this too.  I think it’s important for me to show them how I’m feeling because I need support.  I have J and he supports me with everything I do, but I need more and I want more support.

So with all that being said I’m crossing my fingers, saying a prayer for guidance and sending this off to be published.

Weight Loss Struggle: An Update

weight loss struggle

This picture really does not have anything to do with this post, but some days it’s exactly how I feel when it comes to my weight loss struggles.

I struggle with my weight and with weight loss. Like most people do, rather they will admit it or not. I had written all what I had gone through here. I made a commitment that I would make this blog my accountability partner with my weight loss and so, I want to make sure I stick to my word.

Here’s what I’ve been doing to work on my weight loss since my last post:

Crossfit 3-4x a week, I saw a wellness doctor about a healthy diet plan, and have J who is my biggest supporter. I’ve lost about 5 pounds so far, but I want to be honest. It’s not really about the number of pounds; I’m not going to lie getting on that scale and seeing a lower number puts a smile on my face. But it’s the way I feel when I look in a mirror and the way I feel in my clothes.

I put a pair of jeans that I haven’t been able to wear for months and they fit. Such a great feeling! My wardrobe has consisted mainly of dresses and maxi skirts lately, luckily there are some cute maxi skirts out there, but I cannot wait to pull out my shorts and jeans.

I appreciate having someone in my life that puts my needs first and basically forces me on the days I want to be lazy. All it takes is the commitment to change your life. I know that I have a way to go, but I know that I can do it. I learned a lot from Weight Watchers as a member and as a leader, but it’s time to get back to the basics.  

Here’s to getting healthy!


A tough subject: My Weight Loss


As I sit here with my fingers on the keyboard the only thing I can is let out a heavy sigh, my weight loss is a tough subject for me.

  The subject of my weight is really, really difficult for me.  I’m sure it is for a lot of people and I hope that someone out there can relate.  Truthfully, I am scared to write this post, I need to set aside this fear that I have building in me with every keystroke and get down to it.  Enough stalling already.

My weight loss and weight gain is a sore subject.  I have never been this super fit girl, I was not athletic in school, and I love sweets.  Actually, I have an unhealthy relationship with sweets.  People laugh at me, but if I see sweets or know they are nearby it’s ALL I can think about.  The thought of a cookie in the kitchen will consume my mind.

Let me preface this with – I was never heavy in high school.  I maintained a good balance between running around with friends and having a Mom prepare dinner for me.  Then when I moved to college and started living in a place where I had a choice that is when the weight gain started.  I could choose between dorm food, the Taco Bell that was in walking distance or ordering a $5 large pizza; let’s face it, those are not good choices.  So, the weight gain started.  On May 4, 2010 I was the heaviest I had ever been and I had enough.  It was time to focus on my weight loss.  I stopped complaining and I stopped feeding my sadness with more bad food.  I joined Weight Watchers.  It just clicked and I loved the Weight Watchers program from the start!

In the next year I lost over 50 pounds.  50 pounds!  That’s crazy people!  Then the best thing happened I got offered a job to be a leader for Weight Watchers.  I was ecstatic about this opportunity to share my story with others and help them along their weight loss journey.  All was going great for a year and then I started slipping and the weight started creeping back on.  I finally quit my job at Weight Watchers convincing everyone that it was because of a new full-time job and I could not simply take off for 2 hours every Tuesday to lead my meeting.  In reality though it was because I had gained weight and was no longer at my goal.  I was/am ashamed about that fact, but I just could not stop the landslide.  I could not find the drive or motivation to track, get in my healthy guidelines or be active on a regular basis.  I do not know why my motivation was gone.

It just was.


Now fast forward a few months and I am further away from my goal weight and my wedding is just 4 months away.  I’m sickened by my actions and my ability to let myself lose what I had worked so hard to gain.  Or is it gain what I had worked so hard to lose.

It’s time I do something about it… again.  I figured posting on here with pictures would really help my motivation.  I can do this again.   I know I can.  I know I can.


So, here we go.  I will commit to tracking my food – all of it, every day.  I will attend Crossfit 3x a week because I really do love it and feel so good after I am done, I will stop saying the words “I’m fat” because that is doing absolutely nothing for my self-esteem.  I will replace those words with “I’m learning” and “I will be healthy.”  Finally, I will commit to a weekly roundup on le blog of what was successful and was not successful.

If you want to join me then please do.  I would love the company and we can support one another.  I know that I will not reach my goal within 4 months, but I will look damn good in my wedding dress.

I will not let tomorrow’s holiday or a weekend at the lake break my confidence or give me an excuse to slide a bit.  It’s going to be a good week and I will be proud of my accomplishments.


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