Fall is here

Morning cuddle buddy #dog
J and I are fighting off colds and have spent most of the weekend wrapped up in blankets watching football.

Headed to the park for a walk. Look who's excited!

We did get up and out yesterday. Took the pup for a walk at the park. She was in 7th heaven, struttin’ her stuff.

I will spend the rest of today in a nice comfy chair wrapped up in my oversized fleece blanket working on a 20-page paper that is due tomorrow. Sometimes I surprise myself on how easily I can knock out a 20-page paper…something I never thought was possible pre-grad school.

I guess that’s something I can put on my future resume:
fast-paced essay writer about topics that are not interesting to me.

yea… that’ll get me the job.

Happy first Sunday of Fall!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.