Month: April 2014

Out With the Old and In With the New

Tomorrow is the start of a new month.  The beginning of something new, the beginnings are usually my favorite because they are filled with such hope.  May is a big month for our household.  It’s J’s birthday month and we’re taking a weekend trip with friends to a winery nearby.  Plus, we have a few […]

Categories: Monthly Goals

Baby Steps and Moderation

I’ve been trying to get healthier for awhile now, but old habits creep back in and I start back down the not-so-good bunny path.  I’m done trying to do a major overhaul on all areas of my life at once, which gets pretty overwhelming and leaves me feeling defeated.  I think I have finally found […]

Remember to Believe In Yourself

  It’s hard to believe in yourself all the time. I had a pretty trying past week/weekend and I didn’t believe in myself. I had a test for my CFP certification that honestly, I wasn’t ready for and really believed that I wouldn’t do well.  Sometimes I surprise myself by thinking so negatively about my […]