Three Parking Lot Safety Tips For Women

three parking lot safety tips for women

Do you know the three basic tips for parking lot safety?  Most of us don’t even think about a potential attack or the what-if’s when we’re walking to the grocery store or into the mall.

In today’s video, I’m sharing my three personal safety tips ALL women should know.  Make sure you’re equipped and educated to better protect yourself and your little ones.

You can watch today’s sharing the THREE tips you need to know for parking lot safety video online or down below:

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ONE : Park under a light.  It may be daylight when you go inside, but that can quickly vanish.  Making your car more visible means you’re more visible.

TWO : Get your phone out of your hands.  In the video, I share where you should carry your phone when walking through a parking lot (and it’s not inside your purse).

THREE : Carry pepper spray.  Get yourself a can of pepper spray and a breakaway keychain so you can easily have it at your fingertips.

Ready for more?

staging your home for protection

Grab our guide for Staging Your Home For Personal Protection so you can feel confident and safe.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.