10 Fun Fall Date Ideas

Fall… it’s my favorite. I love big sweaters, boots, scarves, and the crisp autumn air.  I would rather be in 60 degree weather then any other.  I believe that fall is the best time to come up with some fun date ideas for couples to do.  J and I always seem more adventurous in the fall than any other season.  Probably because the weather doesn’t make me sweaty and sticky, plus you don’t have to have heavy, bulky coats on to enjoy your day.  Fall is upon us.  Happy Dance!  The cool air screams get close to your husby, hold hands and walk in the sunlight.  Love!

date ideas
Here are some fun fall date ideas to celebrate with your spouse and enjoy the best season EVER.

1) Check out a festival.  We love the Apple Butter Festival in Kimmswick, MO.  Tons of vendors, ice cold beer, fried food galore and a whole day of wandering around a small town.

2) Go on a hay ride.  Sometimes the best date ideas are the ones that come in groups.  We love to be wit friends and nothing beats taking an afternoon out in the hay field.

3) Wander around a corn maze.  Around Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas you can find some great corn mazes.  I can’t wait for J and I to spend an afternoon getting lost.  There are even some haunted corn mazes around, if you’re into that.  I, sadly, am not into being scared out of my mind while having no idea how to escape.  It’s not my thing!  But I do enjoy a relaxed afternoon of figuring something out together.

4) Go check out a pumpkin patch.  I loooove pumpkins and I loooove pumpkin patches.  There are tons and tons of pumpkin patches and some even have little food and drink vendors setup.  You can make a day out of trying to find the perfect pumpkin.

5) Carve a pumpkin.  This one goes with the previous date idea, but I like to treat it as a whole separate event.  In my world, carving pumpkins is a serious game and it’s not to be taken lightly.  If you’re not into carving a pumpkin then you can paint one.  I’ve seen some pretty ones on Pinterest and you can be really creative without all of the mess of the pumpkin guts.

6) Go apple picking.  J and I went last year to a neat place right outside of St. Louis and it was a blast!  We took a tractor ride out to the orchard and spent awhile picking apples straight from the trees, we got to taste the most delicious and juiciest apples ever, then we headed back to the place where they had rides, a petting zoo, a market and tasty BBQ.

7) Order take-out and head to the local park.  Sometimes it’s nice to be outside and it’s even better with good food.  Around town there are quite a few parks and I have the cutest picnic blanket that still has the tags on it.  I’m imagining ordering the best food in town, grabbing some wine (and beer for J), then heading to the park for a late lunch.

8) Hit the walking trail with the pups.  Our dogs love to be outdoors and with the cooler temperatures fast approaching, it’s a lot easier to be outside for longer.  Taking them for a walk will give us a chance to talk, share stories, and just be together.

9) Attend a football game.  J loves football and I actually enjoy watching it.  Fall and football go hand-in-hand, so there is no better time to check out a game.  We can go to the local high school game for a cheap date night or we can drive to Columbia to tailgate and watch a Mizzou game.  Either way, we’d be together and having fun!

10) Light the fire pit and roast marshmallows.  Spending a night at home, sitting around the fire pit with hot dogs, s’mores, and hot chocolate would be wonderful.  It’s easy to get caught up in date ideas that can cost money or take you out of town, but to me the simpler the better.  Spending a night at home, wrapped up in my favorite blanket, with the dogs playing in the backyard, sitting next to my husband is the best.

Do you have any fun fall date ideas to share? I would love to hear them and add to my list.  Fall is my favorite and I can’t wait for the hot, humid days to be behind us for another year.



Photo by DColeman Photography


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Fall

Tags: date ideas