What Do You Do With Your 24 Hours Each Day (How To Reach Your Goals)

how to reach your goals, same 24 hours in a day

One of my favorite quotes talks about how we all have the same 24 hours in a day and it’s what we do with them that matters.

As someone who loves to be busy, there are days where I start to feel that I am just running in circles and not making much progress.  I’m sure it happens to most moms – you go through the day’s routine without much thought.  You wake up and get ready with moments to spare before your littles need to get up.  You feed them, dress them and then rush out the door barely making it on time.  Next it’s drop offs, traffic and your daily to-do list running through your mind before making it to work.  Then it’s work all day, crossing things off your to-do list and putting out fires.  Before you know it, it’s time to pick up the kiddos and head home to cook dinner, do dishes and start a load of laundry.

Or is that just my typical day?

Hmmm… as someone who has big goals for myself and my business it gets hard to stay focused day in and day out.  Life gets in the way and for good reason.  We close the laptop early so we can be present with our families.  We fall into bed out of exhaustion, telling ourselves we’re wake up even earlier to get more done, but then we hit that snooze button.

It’s okay, but we really need to be working towards our goals.  The best way to do that is by keeping our dreams top of mind.  Let’s start making sure we know, our husbands know, our friends know what our end goal is.  That way they can start encouraging us along the way.

Let’s start using our 24 hours to our advantage:

inspirational quote, 24 hours in a day

Make A Plan

Create a plan for each day. I love using time blocking as a way to fit in all the have-to-get done tasks and the steps to reach my goals.  Write out all the tasks that you need to be working on to help you reach your goal.  Make sure to save some buffer time for those fires, but you have to start prioritizing your goals too.

Write Out Your Goals

List out what your big goals are so that you can create smaller steps to help you get there.  I’ve talked about this idea before.  You need your big goals with small mini goals with closer deadlines.  That way you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Put your goals where you can see them every day.  Stick them to your mirror, hang them inside your closet, or make them your screensaver on your phone.  Make sure you see them every single day.

Do What You Love

When you’re focused on what you’re passionate about then it doesn’t feel like work (tweet it).  For instance, I love helping families learn to budget their money.  That’s my passion.  When you’re working towards a goal that incorporates your passion then you will find the time for it.  You won’t be putting it off, you won’t be avoiding it.

Cherish The Small Moments

How many times do you achieve a goal (big or small) and you just keep moving forward?  No celebration?  No victory dance?  Nothing?  Stop it!

You need to celebrate all the wins.  No matter if that means calling someone to share that moment with (I usually call my husband and my sister) or just posting it in a business owner group (I’m part of a few on Facebook and it’s amazing to see all of us support one another).

Want More?

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Career