Celebrating Our 5th Anniversary

Five Years.  Wow.

Last Friday, we’ve been married for five years.  I would love for today’s post to be filled with amazing marriage tips and ideas to keep your relationship strong, but there is really only a few tips that make sense.

wedding photos

Marriage is work.  It’s not easy.  It’s not always rainbows and sunshine.  There are some great days where we’re both on the same page and then there are days where we are off.  It happens.  But we wake up each day choosing to be together.  Choosing to be married and choosing to build a family together.

Date one another.  It’s hard when life gets crazy to remember to make time for just the two of you.  You have kids, responsibilities, a career, and just not enough hours in the day.  It’s important, well vital, to remember to date one another.  Date nights out without the kids, weekend trips with just the two of you and spend time doing things that one another enjoys.  J helps with projects around the house – building shelves, hanging cabinets and putting things together.  I visit race tracks and watch NASCAR on Sundays.

This past weekend to celebrate our fifth anniversary we traveled – just the two of us.  We headed to Eureka Springs, Arkansas to walk through old streets and even go on a ghost tour of the town.  It was a blast!  Sometimes it’s nice to just be the two of us for a bit.

wedding anniversary, date one another

wedding anniversary, date one another

wedding anniversary, date one another

As I sit here and remember our wedding day I really had no clue what I was in for.  I couldn’t imagine the life we would build together, the son we would have and the choices we would make.  But I can say one thing – it was all worth it.

Our life is pretty great.  I’m one lucky lady.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Married Life