The Easier Cash Envelope Method To Stop Overspending

The Easier Cash Envelope Method To Stop Overspending

It’s been a crazy few weeks around here – sickness, tax season, all. the. things. that have seemed to pop up out of nowhere.  But that’s life, right?

You can plan, be organized and yet, one thing can turn everything upside down.  For us – we’ve all be fighting some sort of bug and have just passed it back-and-forth the past few weeks.  It hit hard and has lingered for awhile now.  Anytime you’re sick, it just seems to throw everything off.  Your housekeeping goes to the wayside (hello dirty dishes in the sink!) and even your budgeting can take a backseat.

Then when you start to feel better and get back into the swing of things, it can be hard to really get back with your finances.  Usually money is the last thing families want to mess with – who wants to balance their checkbook, update their budget and track their spending from the past few weeks?  No one.

The Easier Cash Envelope Method To Stop Overspending

It’s easy when you feel good to stay on top of it all, but once you’re sick then it’s hard to get that traction back.  That’s why I wanted to share with you an easier way to handling your budget – I call it the easier cash envelope system.  It’s an oldie, but a goodie.  It’s one of my most watched YouTube videos of all time and for good reason.  I share some great tips on sticking with your budget without the hassle of updating or tracking and without the hassle of going to the bank each week to withdrawal cash.

You can watch the easier cash envelope method video online or down below:

As you can see, this video is all about keeping things easy on yourself.  We’ve been using this method for years it makes a huge difference.  It’s easy to just login to your bank, transfer money and take care of what you need to take care of.  By having separate accounts for your highly active budget categories (think grocers, gas and eating out) then you can transfer your budgeted amount and then forget about it.

Still want to see the big picture?

chief financial officer, budget template, easy to use budget

Grab our Chief Financial Officer template.  This bundle helps you create a flexible budget once and for all.  No more stress or worry over every dollar spent.  Now, you can keep track of everything in one spot and see how you’re doing overall.  I’ve also included our best selling Sinking Funds spreadsheet to help you save for those irregular bills that come only a few times a year.  The best part? The Sinking Funds spreadsheet can also be applied to vacations, down payments, and more to help keep you motivated to becoming debt free.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget