How To Sound Confident

how to be confident and get more sales

Alright, I want to clear up one thing – I’m not teaching you how to fool people.  I’m hoping to help you build confidence in what you already know and how to present yourself to build trust with clients, customers and prospects.

You can watch How To Build Confidence online or down below:

Here’s a quick recap of the video:

Know The Basics

No reasonable person should expect you to be all knowing of everything at all times.  However, you should know the basics of what you’re selling, talking about, or providing advice on.  Doing some general research on a consistent basis or watching the news is a good place to start.

Don’t Give Specifics

If you don’t know the exact answer in the moment, then don’t give specifics.  It’s reasonable to explain to a customer that you will have to do more research and get back with them.  Most people would not be upset about waiting to make sure they’re getting the right answer.

Don’t Be Afraid To Say You Need More Research

People are different.  You never know what questions or answers you’ll be given.  In those situations letting the person know you will need to dig more or get more research isn’t a bad thing.  It’s actually enforce your level of expert because you’re not willing to give a wrong answer.

Don’t Be Afraid to Correct Yourself

If you do give a wrong answer or accidentally give an answer without all the facts, just own up to it.  Be honest with you customer and make the mistake right.  That’s respectable.


Watch the video for the biggest and best tip on how to sound confident with your customers.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Career