Easy Pita Pizza Recipe

pita pizza recipe It’s hard coming up with creative and delicious dinner recipes every night.  I always look for something that is somewhat healthy, easy to make, and does not require me to get 1000 pots and pans dirty.   I had this idea to create some pita pizzas from a recipe I found years ago.  All I needed was protein and then it hit me – this past week after eating out for a few dinners we had collected some leftovers.   Steak and teriyaki chicken to be exact.  They were just the amounts for an individual pizza.

I took the steak and J took the chicken.

Here’s what you need to make your pita pizza:

pita bread
steak – 2 to 3 oz.
string cheese
grape tomatoes

pita bread
teriyaki chicken – 2 to 3 oz. (make sure the chicken is fully cooked)
teriyaki sauce
string cheese
pita pizza recipe On his pizza I spread a little over a teaspoon of teriyaki sauce onto the pita, cut up the leftover chicken and piled on top.  Then I took a piece of string cheese to cover it all.
pita pizza recipe For my pizza I cut up a few grape tomatoes, I just love the sunburst ones.  I then cut the steak into bite sized pieces and piled both onto the pita.  I again, took a string cheese and placed over it all.

Bake both pita pizzas at 400F in oven or toaster oven for about 10-15 minutes or until heated through.
pita pizza recipe It’s a nice, light and easy dinner recipe that I can’t believe I forgot about for years.  You can also spread a laughing cow cheese mixed with a little garlic powder to use with plain chicken, but I did not have any on hand.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Recipe