Simple Father’s Day Gift [You’re Reel-y Awesome]

simple fathers day gift, simple father's day, father's day gift idea

Alright, Father’s Day is right around the corner and I would be lying to you if I said I was ready.

Honestly, I forgot about Father’s Day.  I know, I know.  It’s sooo bad!

J is such an amazing Dad and Dent loves being with him so much.  We get home for the day and most of the time Dad has to be the one to get him out of the car (I guess Mom doesn’t do it right?).  He runs and hugs Dad every morning and on the days Dad leaves before us then we have to spend close to 5 minutes searching the house for him.  It’s cute.  They have such a great relationship.

So I can’t believe I forgot about Father’s Day.  Oops!  Now, you might be thinking, “Meredith it’s only Wednesday, you have days to pull something together!”  And I know, I know I do.  But this week is going to be pretty busy for us since I have to work late most nights.  I either needed to put something together now or it was never going to happen.

He’s always talking about taking Dent fishing for the first time.  So I thought this would be a good excuse to finally get what he needs to take our boy with him.  After scouring Pinterest for a few minutes I came across a really sweet idea that involves one of J’s favorite things to do…. Fishing!

I really don’t remember what I did before Pinterest.  Honestly, I was in college when Pinterest came out and you had to have an invite to join.  So I was unmarried, single, no children and lived by myself (well except for having Maggie).  There just wasn’t a need for fun birthday party ideas, last minute Christmas gift ideas, or any other holiday that seemed to slip through the crack.  Now that life is a little different and I’m always running around last minute for things, Pinterest has been a life saver, that’s for sure!

simple fathers day gift, simple father's day, father's day gift idea

Once I found a few ideas I then in true Meredith style took a few different ones and combine them into one gift. I was surprised it turned out as good as it did (I’m no Pinterest-perfect Mom).  I really think J is going to love it and if only he doesn’t check the blog before this weekend then I’m home free!

Here’s a super sweet, fun-filled fishing Father’s Day gift that took less than $25 to put together and only a few minutes.

Truthfully, I ordered a few things on amazon (because Amazon is amazing!) as I was creating the draft to this post (#momlife, right?) and then left them in my car until I could put it all together.  I even put it together in the parking lot so I wouldn’t ruin the surprise! I plan to leave it in the back of my car until Father’s Day this weekend.  I’m just going to keep my fingers crossed it stays put together and he doesn’t peek in my car between now and then.

simple fathers day gift, simple father's day, father's day gift idea

simple fathers day gift, simple father's day, father's day gift idea

Here’s what you need for this simple Father’s Day gift:

Lures – I got this 77 piece one for under $13 and it came with a mini tackle box
Gummy Worms
Fishing Pole for Dent – I found this Paw Patrol one for less than $10

Now, you can always add more to this simple Father’s Day gift.  You could go out and buy a cheap Styrofoam cooler, some of dad’s favorite beer and a few more fishing accessories.  My original plan was to create something sweet like the one off of Delia Creates and I wanted to combine it with one from Eighteen25, but let’s be honest… I’m putting together this Father’s Day gift last minute.  Plus, I want to keep our budget in mind.  J and I decided years ago we wouldn’t go crazy on gifts for one another.  We would keep them sweet, thoughtful and inexpensive.  For Mother’s Day J brought home donuts from my favorite place in town and that was it.  I loved the gesture and it was more than enough for me.  That’s why I decided to keep Father’s Day simple.

The lure set came with a bunch of pieces so I just left those in the original container to make sure I didn’t lose anything.  I then upped the sweet factor by creating a simple Father’s Day card in Canva.  Once it was created, I printed it off, glued it to some orange cardstock I had around and then stuck it in the bag with his gift.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: How To