Florida Vacation, Take Two

Well J and I have been super blessed this summer. Not only having we’ve been giving an amazing son, but we’ve been able to travel to Florida twice!

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We went with my family back in June and we just got home from a trip with his whole family. It was a blast! Lots of swimming, lots of hanging out and lots of laughing were part of this trip.  This trip we went a little further into Florida and stayed at Indian Shores Rock Beach.  I have to say the beach was amazing!  The sand was pretty, the water was warm and we were super close to the water from our condo.  We even had a spiral staircase that took us straight down to the pool.merelynne.com, meredith rines, baby on beach, beach hacks for baby merelynne.com, meredith rines, baby on beach, beach hacks for baby merelynne.com, meredith rines, baby on beach, beach hacks for baby merelynne.com, meredith rines, baby on beach, beach hacks for baby

The pool was in the shade most mornings, so we tried to stay at the pool before lunch then head to the beach afterwards.  I was a little worried about our guy getting too much sun, so we stayed in part of a few days while he napped to keep him out of the sun completely.  He did great though.  I really think he loves the water.  The ocean instantly calms him and he could just float around in our arms all day.  The water was pretty calm for most of the trip and even the days it was a bit rougher, it wasn’t really that bad.  

Our little boy is going to be a beach bum before we know it – too bad Missouri only has man-made beaches at the lake that aren’t not very good.

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I used the laundry basket in our first trip to the beach and I can really tell how much our little guy has grown in comparison.  My mom got him these great sunglasses from amazon.  He didn’t mind them on at all and I think it helped him nap a few times because it blocked out more light.  We did have a canopy on the beach to help give us shade, too.

beach vacation, family photo

My sister-in-law is a photographer and she took some family photos of everyone.  My mother-in-law wanted each family in a bright color then when we call came together it would look really cool.  Of course Justin chose orange, which is his favorite color.  I’m still not crazy about my post-baby body still, but I decided to let my insecurities go and not hide my body in a huge, oversized dress.  I think our picture turned out amazing!

We took his 3 month pictures at the beach… they may have been a few days late, but I don’t think it matters too much when you can get a great picture.  I still can’t believe our baby is 3 months old.  Soon he’ll be four then five then six… and I might have to start crying over how big he is getting.  merelynne.com, meredith rines, baby on beach, beach hacks for baby 

I have a beach and pool baby hacks post coming your way soon.  I can’t way to show off what were lifesavers with our little guy.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Baby