Let’s Talk About Goal Setting Strategies To Grow Your Business in 2019

Let's Talk About Goals For 2019 To Grow Your Business

New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to sit back and spend a little time reflecting on how far you’ve come this past year.

Do you write down your New Year’s Goals or Resolutions?  If so, do you know where those are even at?  Most of us start each year off with the best of intentions, but then life gets in the way.  Our kids need us (which is a good thing), we get sick, we get stressed, and we get distracted.

It happens.

It doesn’t mean we stop setting goals, it just means we need to get more strategic with them.  We need to start setting SMART goals so that we can quickly see the progress we’re making without the feeling of overwhelm.

But before we can really start making goals for the upcoming year, we need to see how far we’ve come.  So take a few minutes and find your 2018 resolutions.  You may have to dig for a bit in your nightstand drawer or search on your computer, but go find those goals.

You can check out my 2018 goals on the blog.  Each year I sit down with a pen and paper and jot down a few goals for myself.  If you notice on last year’s post I was pretty vague, which is why I don’t feel as if I accomplished them all.

I do know one goal, which was a biggie was achieved and that’s earning the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation.  That took a lot of studying, a lot of testing and it felt great when I earned those letters.

This year I’m trying something different – I’m going to be more finite in my goal setting.

I want to encourage you to join me – let’s some some goals for ourselves, but not just any goals – let’s be strategic, let’s be measurable and let’s get started today.

If you need help keeping track of your 2019 goals then I suggest checking out Trello.  It’s a web-based project management tool that helps you keep track of your progress, make checklists and keep it all in one place.  I use Trello to help block out my schedule so that I can run my business while working full-time and raising a family.

Here’s a snapshot of my SMART goals for this next year:

how to set SMART goals, goal setting basics, keeping track of your goals, how to grow your business

As you can see I broke each goal down into the month I want to achieve them, the specific amount I want to reach or my actual goal, and have a space to easily keep track of my progress in each task.

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If you’re wondering what the different colors mean, here’s a key that I came up:

how to set SMART goals, goal setting basics, keeping track of your goals, how to grow your business

Each area of my life – my businesses, my career and personally are labeled with their own color.  That way it’s a lot easier to keep track of what exactly I’m working on . On top of that, I created a few other cards (Trello lingo for list) to help me stay focused on the goal at hand.  I can easily drag and drop my goals into four other lists: goals for the week, current sprint, in progress, and ongoing projects.

Goals For This Week.  Where I plan to take my checklist and turn each one into an achievable task with a shorter due date.

Current Sprint.  Items I am currently focused on that might need to take longer than a week.

In Progress.  Tasks that are being worked on, but am waiting on the next step to keep moving forward.

Ongoing Projects. Goals that will be an ongoing process.

What are your goals this upcoming year?

Want More?

grab your cross stress off your list guide (1)

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Career