How To Cut Your Grocery Bill Right Now (Quick Tips To Save More Money)

how to save money on groceries, how to cut your grocery budget

One of the easiest ways that you can quickly save money is in your grocery budget.  It’s true!

I hear so many complain how their grocery budget is stretched thin, but when we take a closer look at what their buying, where their money is going and how they are meal planning then I can usually help point them into a light bulb moment.

So many families feel as if their grocery buying is almost set in stone.  That they can switch brands or they have to buy certain snacks, drinks, and items each week or their family might revolt. While I get to a point because we always have a box of cheez-its on hand for our little man, I also understand how overspending can really deter you from reaching your financial goals.

If you’re willing to overspend a few dollars here and there then eventually those few dollars will start to grow.  That means less money towards debt payments, college funds, vacation funds and other sinking funds.  That’s why when a reader asked,

“What can I do to really cut my grocery budget without spending hours and hours each month?”

I was ready to answer.

I am assuming by hours and hours she meant coupon clipping and price matching… so that’s what I’m going to go with.

In today’s video I’m sharing my one trick on how you can cut your grocery bill right now and actually spending LESS time each month on groceries.  You can watch online or down below:

Tweet this video.

Let’s recap my grocery hack:

Organize Your List

Make your grocery list in order of your store.  You probably know your local store’s layout better than most employees, right? So try to make your list in order of the store’s aisles.  That way you can spend less time back tracking, which means you’re more likely to stick to your list and will spend less time in the store.

Start At The Back

When you first go into the store, head straight to the back.  That way when you’ve crossed the last item off your list, you’re in front of the checkout.  In the video, I mention why this trick is magically when you have little ones ‘helping’ you.

How To Cut Your Grocery Bill

Set The Right Budget

Make sure your grocery budget is set to the right amount.  I have a fast rule to help you get started.  Having a guideline on how much you should be spending can be really helpful when you’re comparing your grocery budget from month-to-month.  Also, make sure you know what’s all included in your grocery budget.  When I meet with clients, one of the easiest ways to detect if their budget is off by asking what all they include in the grocery category.

Need more help?

grab budget success checklist

Do you need a little more guidance on setting your family’s budget? If so, grab my Budget Success Checklist.  This 9-step guide will help you create a flexible budget for your family.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget