My Guilty Pleasures

I have several guilty pleasures that I partake in from time to time.  Some are a lot more embarrassing than others, but nonetheless they are indulgences.
guilty pleasure
Painting My Nails – I love having my nails nicely filed and painted.  Most days I would prefer to leave the house with my hair looking like a hot mess as long as my nails are nicely done.

Oreos – I read an article stating that Oreos could have the same effect on people’s minds as cocaine does… Who am I to argue with science?

Ghost Adventures – I almost labeled this next section as “trashy tv,” but that would be a lie.  I think I have great taste in tv shows and Ghost Adventures is one of a kind.  I’ve seen every episode and may or may not tweet live during the weekly premiere.
guilty pleasureCuddling with my dogs – the best feeling in the world is when my two pups decide to sit on my lap over J’s or on their own couch.  No, the dogs don’t have their own couch, but we have 3 pieces of sitting furniture in our family room and since it’s just J and I, usually there are just 2 seats taken.

Dog and Beth On The Hunt – this is another questionable quality TV show that I am obsessed with.  I used to watch Dog The Bounty Hunter on A&E and was devastated when it was cancelled a couple of years ago.  I don’t miss an episode of the new show and to ensure that I don’t – my DVR is set to record each new episode.

Baking – I have to limit my baking because I will eat every.single.bite and that’s not good for a girl getting married in a few weeks.


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.