How Hard Is It To Tell The Truth?

telling the truth, to tell the truth

I mean seriously, how hard is it to tell the truth. Really? Because in my opinion, it’s not. Sure, you may be scared and worried about the consequences. But wouldn’t you rather have a clear conscious? I know I would.

I remember when I was in the second grade I cheated on a spelling test. I hadn’t studied like I should have and I just didn’t know any of the words. Well I might have known a few, but not enough to get a passing grade. Anyways, I was searching around trying to remember and I saw my neighbor’s paper. She was writing so fast and I knew she always did well so I copied.

I felt awful.

I felt so much guilt the rest of the day that I made myself sick. I came home that night and barely touched my dinner then went to bed early. I tossed and turned until finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up to confess. My mom was away on a work trip so I had to tell my Dad. I was shaking I was so nervous to tell him what I had done. I walked straight to him with tears and my eyes and said I cheated.

I could tell he was disappointed, but also proud that I told the truth. For the rest of the school year my Dad made me practice my spelling words every single night with him. Looking back it was the best punishment I had because it taught me discipline and telling the truth is never as bad as I imagine.

I was scared to tell the truth, but I couldn’t live with the guilt any longer. That’s pretty much how my life has been ever since. Sure I may tell a white lie to J when he asks why I’m so late. “Oh I’m passing Wal-Mart right now” when in reality I’m two stop lights away.

But never about the big stuff. I own up to my mistakes and I wish other people did to. It would make life so much easier if everyone was honest.

You accidentally misplace something, then just tell me. You accidentally hit my car, then just be honest with the insurance company. Whatever it is. Honesty is the best policy. Period.

No need to ask for forgiveness about lying if you would just stop doing it. Clear conscious is the best way to be. Plus, I don’t want to teach my child that lying is okay. Yes, mommy did something wrong that you saw, but she’s not going to admit it to avoid trouble. No. Because then the next thing I know he’ll be 16 lying about why he’s 2 hours late for curfew. I do not want that.  Just tell the truth people.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Tips