How to Enjoy Life Without Going Broke {an open letter to you}

how to enjoy life without going broke

Dear You,

I don’t need to tell you how amazing you truly are.  Let’s be honest, you have so much going for yourself that it’s out of this world.  You work hard and you plan smart.  You give every day 100% and put your soul into all of your accomplishments.  And sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in what’s not that important.  You may even spend too much money from time to time, but I want you to remember one thing:

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have the time of your life.

It’s true.  The more money you spend doesn’t mean you’re going to have more fun or make more memories.  Actually, it could mean the complete opposite.

I know that I don’t have to tell you this though.  I realize that you already know how to have a good time.  I mean, you’re reading this, right?

You already know how to plan and prepare.  You want to soak up every moment with those you love most.  So you aren’t going to waste your money on anything that isn’t worthy.  Let’s be honest for a minute, shall we? You take your time to analyze everything.  There’s no judgment here!  You research, you ask questions and you save money when you can.

You are the life of the party so you already know hanging out with friends is going to be a good time.  No need for a fancy trip or wild nights out.  No, no.  You don’t need that to have the time of your life.  So you plan potluck dinners and casual get togethers at your place.  You ask your friends to bring a dish and some wine, and next thing you know it’s the gathering of the century.  Stories are being told, laughter is erupting and you’re making memories.

Now I know you are a savvy shopper.  You browse Groupon and other discount sites regularly.  You like to make sure anything that you’re wanting to buy for yourself or as a gift isn’t cheaper somewhere else.  It never hurts to browse discount sites to make sure you’re getting the best deal, so you put in the time needed.  You understand that your money can go further by doing a quick recon.

I mean, who needs fancy pet daycare places?  Sure they’re great for when you’re traveling out of town and can’t find a friend to dog sit.  But you know  when you can hit up a trail early in the morning.  Your dog will love the extra me-time, your butt will love the walking and your pockets will love their cushion.

Of course you remember that horrifying college picture you took years ago?  You know the one where you had just got that awful, awkward haircut and your hair was doing that flip thing… you know the one I’m talking about. Well you’ve dusted that ID off and you use it time-to-time at the movies.  Yes, you know it’s wrong to use a student ID when you’re no longer a student.  I really do… but sometimes it doesn’t’ hurt to save a few bucks.  I’m sure you kept that over sized purse that’s perfect for sneaking in your own sweet treats and bottled water, too.

I know how you love to read all the latest New York Bestsellers.  So instead of forking over the cash at the local bookstore, you hit up the public library.  Their membership is free and they have the biggest selection around.  Look at you go!

I’m sure you’re taking the time to enjoy today.  You never spend on credit card for more than you can pay cash for that day.  You know that if you don’t have it in your checking account today then you just have to wait.  You’re smart like that.  You budget your time, just like you do your money.

Here’s to all of the sound financial decisions you’re making each and every day.  You go, girl!




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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget