I’m Back


Whew! How did you like my disappearing act? I had not intent to just fall off, but life happens. We have been so busy between our son, work, traveling to see family and trying to get things done around the house. This little blog of mine has taken the back seat.

But I’m happy to say I’m back. I’ve got a few posts in the works and am going to try harder to stay on top of everything.


Let’s be honest though when it’s 10 at night and I’m exhausted from being up since 4am with our little guy and he just laid down for the night… I’m going to bed. That’s just how it’s going to be.

I think every Mom (or most Moms) would feel the same way. It’s hard to accomplish everything. It’s hard to always be ‘on’. I had to take something off my plate and this blog was it.

Now that life has calmed down a bit, or at least for now, I’m ready to jump back in. So thank you for sticking around and not giving up on me!

We decorated for Christmas the other day.  I decided to take a less is more thought process this year.  We put up our tree then J decorated outside, but kept it minimal.  No stockings (mainly because I need to order our personalized ones), no other decorations around the house.  Just one tree and a little boy who loves crashing his walker into it.  

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Christmas