Why You Should Be Okay With Imperfection

okay with imperfection, busy mom, meredith rines, merelynne

Dear Momma,

You’re tired, everything is a mess and your day is just starting. You wake up early not so you can have quiet before the busy begins, but because you forgot to switch the wet laundry over before bed. Again.

You sneak into your little ones room to grab the dirty clothes off the floor. You’re trying your hardest not to wake him, but you have to do laundry otherwise you will all be out of clean pants by tomorrow.

You stay up late making sure the dishes are put away from dinner, the counters are wiped down and the dogs are fed. Your body is craving sleep, but you have just a few more chores to get done before you can call it quits.

Remember, you have a thousand tasks pulling you in different directions.  You wear so many hats throughout the day – mom, wife, friend, employee, boss, house manager, caretaker, boo-boo kisser, dish washer, chef, dog wrangler.

You love your little one with every ounce of your soul. You know you are the best mom to your little one, but are you doing enough? Are they learning what they should be at this age? When are you supposed to start potty training? What about switching to a toddler bed? Should they still be using a bottle at this age?

So many questions and you want to make sure you’re doing everything just right. It’s hard – you want to be the best mom you can imagine, which means cooking healthy meals, spending time playing and learning, and just being present. Being the best mom doesn’t mean you have to be perfect 100% of the time. That’s near impossible.

So instead you make a commitment to yourself and to your child that you will love them unconditionally and you will be there for them; however, you won’t be perfect.  You will make mistakes along the way.  You are learning how to Mom just as much as your little one is learning each day.

You need to remind yourself that you are enough. Stop stressing over the small details – the laundry can wait, the dishes can pile up for an extra night. The most important task on your daily to-do list is to hold your little one a little longer in the morning when they first wake up. Perhaps you need to create a new bedtime routine where you sit together having story time before they drift off to sleep.

Don’t fret over the late night wake up calls, it means you can hold your little one a little tighter. Remember the story Love You Forever and no matter how old that baby child gets, that mom will always hold them and rock them just a little longer.  You may have to remind yourself of that story when you’re little one decides to fall into a sleep regression and fights you throughout the night, but there will be a time when they no longer need you to comfort them. There will come a time when they’re too big to be held and rocked.

And that will be a very sad realization.

Remember moms – aim for imperfection, but happiness. A year from now you won’t remember the dishes in the sink, but you’ll remember your little one running up to you an giving you a hug for no reason and saying “hi Momma” when you walk in the door.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: MotherhoodToddler