Organization Tips: How To Save Money By Being Organized

How To Save Money By Being Organized, save money, organization tips, money saving apps, meredith rines, merelynne

Here’s some quick tips on how to save money by being organized….

Do you know about how much time you stress, worry or panic when you can find something or can’t remember something you knew was important? It’s probably a lot more than you realize.  We have a lot going on in our lives – kids to take care of, a house to manage, a job to go to and be productive at, groceries to buy, errands to run and relationships to nurture.

There isn’t a lot of time in our days to stop and just think.  So we need our lives to be organized.  Having organization can save us time, money and our sanity when it comes to being a busy mom.  Here’s some of the best ways to save money by being organized.

Phone Apps

I love having an organized phone.  It’s my favorite.  I recently walked through some of my favorite apps, but there’s more to it then just the apps.

You need to have your phone organized.  You should where each app is with just your muscle memory and not have to look through or flip though app after app trying to find the one you need.  Have folders on your home screen to keep everything organized. Here’s some great ideas for some folders that I use: coupons, home management, bill pay, social media, business, productivity, photography.

So now each app has a folder on your phone it belongs to, which means you won’t be wasting time trying to find something.

Budget Your Money

It’s no surprise that a budget strategist is going to suggest having a budget.  You shouldn’t be shocked!  I love budgets.  I really and truly believe having a plan for your money is the best thing you can do.  It gives your finances a purpose that is bigger than the moment.  You can plan better, predict the future by knowing your spending patterns and be better prepared for the unexpected.  We’ve been budgeting our money since we got married, which is how we have been able to pay off over $40,000 in debt in under three years.

Here’s an updated version our budget template that we’ve been using.  It’s great because we can see the whole month at a glance, keep track of our spending easier and know how we’re doing.

Save On Monthly Bills

Being organized will give you the ability to pay your bills easier.  You’ll avoid late fees and penalties by making sure everything gets sent in on time.  You can go through and setup your bills on auto-pay to avoid having to purchase checks and postage to mail in your payment.

Buying In Bulk

Buying some of your most-used grocery items in bulk can save a lot of money each year.  However, to be successful at buying in bulk you need to be able to track your purchases.  You should know how long a case of toilet paper lasts your family (on average).  That way you are only buying what you need, when you need it and without wasting money or precious space in your closets.

You can keep a spreadsheet on your computer to input what you buy and the dates you buy it.  Then you’ll be able to start seeing a trend to help you better predict when to order more.

Knowing Where Everything Is

How many times do you hear, “Mom, where’s my shoes?” Probably more than you should, right? By having a system for all the junk in your house then you’ll stop wasting your time looking for something and your family will be able to start learning where to look first.

Make a list of your closets, cabinets and drawers in your house.  Then for each area make a note of what should go into them – for instance, our hall linen closet also houses our extra Christmas and birthday presents.  That’s their spot, so it makes it easy when I buy a gift that’s on sale for in the future – it goes there.  It doesn’t go in a random closet or on the kitchen counter, it goes in that closet.

Go through your drawers, closets and cabinets to come up with a plan. Then take an afternoon to implement it.  Make sure you build in time to actually clean out your closets and cabinets.  Don’t just move stuff around that you never plan on using again.

Meal Plan

I’ve mentioned this a thousand times before.  But meal planning really can save you a lot of money.  Especially when you meal plan what you already have on hand.  So you’re not having to buy ingredients you already have and can easily use.

Turn Clutter In Cash

When you’re going through your closets and cabinets make sure to pull out anything that can be sold.  You can easily sell unused items on Facebook and Craigslist.  Not only will you make extra money, but you will remove the clutter from your house permanently.

You’ll Be More Productive

When you’re life is organized you’ll be more productive.  You’ll be able to focus your time easier with less distractions. You’ll know where everything is, you won’t be bothered by the overflowing junk drawer your husband just opened (because it will be gone!), and you’ll be more efficient with each task you try to accomplish.


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget