Make Progress Towards Your Financial Goals With One Easy Step

Are you ready to make some real progress towards your financial goals?

If you’re hand is in the air and your quietly shaking your head, “YES!” Then this post is for you!

I get it, friend. Life doesn’t always go to plan. You make goals, you set budgets and then something happens. Things break. Kids get sick. You overspend. It happens. The real key to your financial stress is how you bounce back after overspending.

Once you’ve bounced back. You’ve figured out where you went wrong, now it’s time to hit the ground running. In today’s video I’m sharing the one step you need to start making the progress you’ve been wanting.

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As you can tell from the video, starting is all about declaring.

You need to declare what your goals are. You need to shout it from the rooftops. You need everyone to know. Because when those around you get it (and some won’t) then you can start making the progress you crave.

You need to have those tough money talks with your spouse to make sure you’re on the same page. Sit down on a monthly basis (heck! weekly basis if you can!) to make sure you both understand where your money is going.

Tell your family and closest friends. More than likely your family and friends want what is best for you. I mean, they sure were honest when you went through the black hair phase (that made you look way too pale, no… just me?) and they sure told you when you were dating what’s-his-name, right? So they get it. They want you to be happy and successful.

The more people you get involved in your financial goals the more people are willing to understand why you can’t go out to eat today or why you just can’t go on that last minute girls’ trip.

My biggest secret to reaching financial goals – put it everywhere. Don’t just tell others, tell yourself – daily. Write it on a post-it and stick it to your mirror. Create a background image for your laptop, your work computer and your cell phone to remind you every single day what you’re striving towards.

Heck! Make it your password to login to your bank so that you CANNOT FORGET.

Need More Help?

sinking funds guide

If you’re ready to create a life you love then grab our Sinking Funds Checklist. This go-to guide will walk you through how to create a system to fit your goals and your budget. No matter what you’re trying to save for – becoming debt free, buying a forever home, saving for your next vacation – a sinking fund can help you reach it.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget