Setting Goals and Digging Deep

setting goals, goal setting tips

How good are you at setting goals?

Be honest.  No one is listening.  How good are you at setting realistic goals and then creating the path to reach them?

Most people are great at creating goals and dreaming big, but it’s the mapping out the steps that most struggle at.

So much of our time is spent grinding away at the daily tasks that we spend any free time we have dreaming of the perfect dream…

Losing those last 20 pounds…

Creating a side income that actually pays some of our bills…

Moving to a different house with more storage…

Being able to do all. the. things. for our kids…

Changing our style to look a little more put together and a little less like the struggle bus…

Or something entirely different.

Let’s take it back a few steps and create a workable plan to reach any goal you can dream of.  Sound good?

Let’s get started.

Watch today’s video where I’m sharing how to break down any goal you can dream of into actionable steps AND create a system to check in with your goal periodically to track your progress.

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Step One: Dream Big

it’s time to create that big, outlandish goal.  Make sure you write it down somewhere that you see on a regular basis.  Jot it down on a post-it and stick it your bathroom mirror, make a list in Google Drive, email it to yourself and leave it unread.

Step Two: List Out Your Steps

In the video I go into more detail about listing out your steps, but the basic idea is to write down all the steps you need to take to reach your final goal.  These steps will become mini goals along your journey.

Step Three: Set Deadlines for Your Mini Goals

Once you have the steps you need to reach your big goal, it’s time to create a deadline.  It’s a lot easier to take your smaller goals (or steps) and create shorter deadlines.  That way you can easily follow your process and track your progress.  This works great for larger goals like losing 20+ pounds, paying down your debt, saving for a larger purchase, and so on.

Step Four: Check In With Your Big Goal

As I talked about in the video, I love the idea of checking in with your big goal on a regular basis.  As you cross your smaller, mini goals off the list make sure you’re still on track to reach your big goal AND that your desire hasn’t changed.  Check in a monthly or quarterly basis that way you can redirect yourself if needed.

Check out these other posts for more inspiration and help:

How To Afford More For Your Kids

5 Ways To Instantly Fix Your Budget

How To Find The Time To Chase Your Dreams

Ready for more?

grab your cross stress off your list guide (1)

Tired of feeling overwhelmed from all. the. things. on your to-do list?  Then grab my Cross Stress Off Guide.  This easy-to-follow exercise will have you feeling more relaxed, calm and ready to take on the world.  This guide is perfect for busy moms looking for ways to get more done in less time.  Grab yours HERE.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: BudgetCareer