What I’m Thankful For

thankful for
I saw the best sign at a local church this past week:

“You don’t need more to be thankful for, you just need to be thankful more.”

I think this statement is so true!  We always want more – more time to get work done, more money, more time with family and friends, more stuff.  But we shouldn’t look at it like that.  We should be thankful more for what we do have – family that supports us, a career that pays the bills and then some, friends that are there for us, a roof over our heads, a car to get us from point A to point B.

The one little sign really got me thinking of what I’m thankful for this year.

It’s important to be grateful for what you have, right now.  It’s easy to get caught up in the materialistic side of life.  But you have to ask yourself  in 5 years, 20 years or even after we’re long gone from this Earth, what will be important to you, your legacy and those you love.  I want to leave a mark on this world that truly represents me.  I’m a passionate, hard working, wife, daughter, sister, friend, that cares about others and puts their needs before my own.  I would go without food to make sure my dogs ate and are cared for.  I would drive miles and miles to help a friend in need with a moments notice.  I love the person I have become over the years.  I have found myself and know that I can achieve any goal I set my mind to.  I’m thankful for what my parents taught me, the love my husband shows me everyday and the excitement I receive from three little dogs when I walk through that door each night.  I’m lucky to have a job I love and work for my Dad.  I’m blessed to have a close-knit family that I call my cousins some of my closest friends.

I am loved, blessed, lucky, adore.  I cherish, delight in, and treasure those around me.


thankfulHere is my thankful for list for this year.  I know I have forgotten some and know that I could go on forever with this list.

My husband, J
Our 3 dogs – Maggie, Tiny, and Bud
Being able to save Bud from that gas station parking lot that one afternoon
A career that I am undoubtedly passionate about
The ability to learn and develop my skills in the finance world
My parents who stand up for me
My in-laws and J’s family
My sister and her soon-to-be husband
My friends that are still with me after all these years and all the miles between us
A car that is paid in full for and still runs
A roof over my head and for the first time in years is actually a roof that covers a very nice home that we get to call ours for the next few years
My health
My drive to do more and be a better person

I really think I could go on and on with this list.  I really am a pretty lucky lady.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Thanksgiving