I think I’m Nesting

I keep hearing from all these women that I meet how I’m going to start nesting.  I mean, literally from the first 5 weeks of pregnancy I just kept hearing about it.  I know they are probably speaking from experience, but isn’t nesting just getting ready for the baby?

According to American Pregnancy, “Nesting during pregnancy is the overwhelming desire to get your home ready for your new baby.”

friends, monica, nesting

I think that’s fair.  I’m not trying to go above and beyond.  I haven’t turned into Monica Gellar and want to clean everything in sight.  I am not overdoing it (at least not yet, I guess) on nesting.  I’m doing what I have to get ready to bring a baby home from the hospital, or at least what I know needs to be done before baby.  I know with this being our first, I am going to miss a lot.

You see, the nursery was once a guest bedroom.  So the bed and dresser had to go.  Well the dresser had to go because J bought this oversized set before we were serious so I didn’t go with him to pick it out.  The dresser is as tall as me… 5’3”.  No joke.  The room is small, so we needed our dresser to be our changing table as well.  A dresser where I have to stand on my tipp-toes with my arms over my head will not work.  At all.

But J didn’t want to get rid of the dresser, because it’s very nice and it had a matching bed (that’s in our other guest bedroom, but don’t worry the dresser won’t fit in there either) and a night stand (that’s in our master bedroom as a tv stand).  So we had to move it into the garage for storage.  

Well if we were moving furniture into the garage then we need to make space for it.  We cleaned out the garage, removed a workbench and added shelving.  That was easy – one day and we were done.

Now the dresser fits in the garage and we can move the old dresser from the guest room into the baby’s room.  Easy.  My Christmas present was a new dresser so that new one will go into the guest bedroom because the drawers are bigger and I need more storage then the baby at this point… at least that’s what I’m assuming.

Once we got the dresser and the bed out of the way then we needed to work on the closets.

J and I switched closets since I was using the nursery one and guest bedroom one.  I took over the bigger master bedroom closet and gave him the smaller guest room one.  

Now with closets and furniture out of the way, it’s time to paint.  

That’s it… well at least for the back-end of the house.  I also went through our glasses to get ready of over half so that I can move my baking cabinet to one that was used for glasses.  Now I have an empty kitchen cabinet for all things baby.  

Makes sense right?

I don’t think I’ve gone crazy on the nesting yet.  Once the nursery is done and I can start putting the little guys’ belongings and clothes away then it might be a serious case of nesting.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Pregnancy