How To Plan Your Day Using Trello

Plan Your Day Using Trello

How do you plan your day? Do you use a paper planner, Google calendar, or something else?  What if you have several different projects and tasks that need to get done before moving on to the next?

I’m a planner junkie and have tried just about every brand of paper planner, every app and every sort of to do list that you can think of.  I’m a big fan of Google Calendar to organize appointments and reminders, but it doesn’t work so great on tasks that are involved in a bigger project.

That’s where Trello comes in.

I use Trello to plan out my week in tasks, if that makes sense.  Trello helps me break down a big project or goal into smaller actionable steps.  Then in turn those steps are planned for specific days to make sure they get done.

In today’s video, I’m sharing how you can plan your day using Trello.  You can watch online or down below:

If you’re new to Trello, check out my post on how I stay organized using Trello. It’s a wealth of information on how I stay on top of every project and every part of my life – from career, business owner, mom, wife, home manager, and so much more.

Here’s a quick recap from today’s video:

Create a new board title “This Week”

In the board you will create a separate list for each day of the week and an eighth list titled “Sort For The Week”.

Once that’s done enter in a new card for any recurring events. These can include weekly meetings, daily reminders, and so on.

Then create a Butler Bot (which I explained about in the video) to connect other boards and projects to the “Sort For The Week” list.

Now in your instructions for the bot, you can have any project or task that’s due in the next 5 days to either be moved or copied into the This Week board.  Once that happens then you can easily drag and drop your specific tasks to the day you need to work on them.

It’s easy-peasy.  Now you can stay on top of all those smaller tasks to help you reach your big goals.

Do you plan your day using Trello? Let me know in the comments!


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: CareerOrganization