Why I Joined Weight Watchers…Again

why i joined weight watchers, second time on weight watchers

The title of this post says it all… I joined Weight Watchers … again, for the second time. 

In today’s video, I’m going into how I feel about joining, putting myself out there and sharing it for the world.

Let’s be honest, being open about weight struggles isn’t easy for anyone.  It’s especially hard at this point in my life because I feel like I should have my stuff together.  I am a wife, a mom, a career woman and a business owner.  So it’s hard to admit that I’m failing at something – and it’s not a little something.

You may think it’s just weight, be proud of your body.  It created life.  But I see something that creates boundaries for what I want to do.  I want to be the best mom possible.  And that means being able to play in the backyard without getting tired.  I want to be able to climb a flight of stairs carrying my toddler who wants his mom without gasping for air half-way up.

So it’s more than weight, it’s health. 

In today’s video I’m going through why I joined Weight Watchers and what prompted my decision to just DO IT. I remember the first time I joined back 8 years ago and the feeling I felt that day.  I knew having that feeling came from being in sync with a room full of women striving to do better.  These women are all in different places in their lives – some are like me, thick in the toddler mom life and others are retired learning how to be a grandma.

But there is something about this group of women that can help motivate me and keep me accountable to reaching my goals.

You can watch my video online or down below.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Weight Watchers