What I Use To Stay Organized – Introducing Trello

using trello to stay organized

Have you heard of Trello before?  If not, then you have to discover it!  Simply put, it’s an online project management platform that can seriously transform your life.  If you own a small business, manage a household, or have to keep track of anything then you really should be doing more than keeping a paper list.


I know, I know.  I can’t believe I just said that.  The queen of lists, planners and calendars just said you need more than a written list.  Don’t get me wrong, I still love my Mom Notebook with my entire heart.  But there was something missing.


I had an idea of when a project or task needed to get done, but there was no consistent system to staying on top of it.  I would come up with an idea, write it down in my notebook then create an appointment in my Google calendar, it seemed to be working. … until it didn’t.

I would change dates to get things done without updating everything in my calendar.  I couldn’t remember what project was what – it sounded like a great idea at the time, but 3 months later I had no idea what that description meant.

So I needed something more, something all encompassing.

Enter Trello.

You can customize it any way you want – you can have boards (projects) for every area of your life – I just about do!

In today’s video I’m going to share with you how I stay organized with Trello, how I use it to manage my business and my blog.  You can watch online or down below:

Here are my favorite boards to have:

This Week – a break down with every single day so I know what task needs to get done. I can assign due dates to projects that don’t need to be done this week, but I still need to be aware of them.  I also keep reoccurring tasks on each day to make sure they get done.

merelynne.com – This board is my editorial calendar – post ideas, video topics, where each post is in the production stage and to-do list for the blog.

MerelynneBudgets – my online shop that hosts all of my available offerings – budgets, print outs, planners, and more.  I create a running list of new ideas to work on and how I want to launch them into the world.

Personal Goals and Business Goals – where do I see myself in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years.  But I also added a board with quarterly business goals to help keep me accountable.

Books I’m Reading – how many times are you told to check out this book, this article, or this site?  Too many to count, right? Now I just keep a running list of each title I am interested in reading.  I also make a note if my public library has the book or can get it, so that way I can rent it for free.

I can’t say enough good things about this platform.  It has transformed my business by allowing me to stay organized.  I have so many thoughts, ideas and squirrels running through my head that I need a place to jot them all down, organize them and add details to help me remember what it is I actually want to do.

Are you using Trello?  Let me know in the comments! 

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.