29 While 29 – A Birthday List

birthday, merelynne, meredith rines

I turned a year older yesterday, which means it’s time for another list of goals to accomplish this year.

Is it just me or does it seem like as we get older the excitement goes away?  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not complaining about getting older.  I just can remember being six years old and not being able to sleep the night before my birthday.  My excitement was overwhelming and I couldn’t wait to wake up one year older.  To party like a rockstar with my friends and celebrate with my family.

With each new birthday that passes, the joy fades a bit.  It’s no longer a holiday, but just another day at work and another day that I have responsibilities.  If I had the option to go back in time and celebrate like I did at 9 or 22, I’d pass.  I don’t want to go back, I just want to keep moving forward.

28 was a great year for me.  I feel like this year has been a real growing year for me.  I have had my ups and downs, I wouldn’t change anything that happened.  Every down has taught me something and has made me a little bit stronger.  I have to remember that God has a plan for me and though I may not know His plan, it’s there and I need to trust it.  Sad things happen, but it doesn’t have to hold me back.  I can’t let one bad thing prevent me from growing and becoming the person I’m suppose to be.

Plus, there were some really great things that have happened this past year.  So I need to focus on the good.

Here’s my 29 while 29 birthday list:

1.  Stay with my healthier lifestyle – this was on my list last year and I did really good with it so I want   to keep it going
2.  Work towards my CFP® designation
3.  Travel to a new city
4.  Go to the lake as much as possible – again this is a repeat from last year, but it’s such a good one!
5.  Work on paying down debt
6.  Save for our future home
7.  Take more pictures
8.  Craft more
9.  Cook at home more often
10. Throw a dinner party
11. Organize our house
12. Do good for others
13. Laugh more
14. Visit friends
15. Become a better baker
16. Train Bud and Tiny
17. Develop a budget series
18. Become more confident in myself
19. Dog photoshoot
20. Grow this blog (I think this will be on every birthday list of mine-ha!)
21. Start video blogging
22. Paint an image to hang in our bedroom
23. Downsize my closet
24. Overcome my fear
25. Create more recipes for the blog
26. Decorate our guest bedroom
27. Become more patient with myself
28. Finish the backyard
29. Journal more to remember the good stuff

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Birthday