Recap of 28 While 28

birthday list, merelynne

Tomorrow is the big day – the big 2-9. I can’t believe I’m turning another year older. Pretty soon I’m going to stop aging all together. …I had a great grandmother do that. She just stopped telling people her age and after a few years no one knew (or was willing to say out loud) her true age. That’s going to me be… I’m going to be 29 forever.  Well not forever… but I’m going to work on staying ageless.

Here’s a recap of my 28 while 28 list, let’s see how I did.

Here’s what I accomplished:

Continue kicking butt to become a CFP
Get better taking and processing photos
Travel to…anywhere and everywhere
Grow by 50% this year
Take exams for work to become licensed
Do a fun Christmas photoshoot with J, me and the pups
Pay down more bills
Worry and Stress less
Have the time of my life
Stay with my healthier lifestyle
Help someone in need
Go to lake as much as possible
Get involved with CrossFit…again
Decorate our new house

What I failed at and need to keep working on:

Create a beautiful workspace at home
Finally create our engagement (and now wedding) journal
Somehow manage the crazy pups so I can do a photoshoot of them
Go to 28 concerts/shows/plays/etc.
Launch my new calendar line that I am obsessed with
Start an e-newsletter for my calendar and
Mother/Daughters’ trip
Put a little blue in my hair for a short while
Stop drinking soda
Host a Christmas party
10 DIY projects
Girls’ weekend
Make a t-shirt quilt out of my Sorority shirts

So I succeed on about 50% of my list…. that’s not really a passing score, but I’ll still take it.  I got a few DIY projects done, but not 10.  I wasn’t able to go on a girls’ weekend because I ended up sick and had to skip out.  I didn’t host a Christmas party, but we went to two so I feel like that’s still a success in some way.  I also didn’t fully redesign my blog, but I updated it.  See?  I wasn’t a complete failure – haha!  I was pretty busy this year and I made a lot of memories.  It was a win-win.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Birthday