Author: Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®

Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

How To Increase Revenue This Year

how to increase revenue this year

With the end of 2018 nearing, now is usually the time we start to slow down and take breaks.  What if I told you that you can easily increase revenue and grow your business.  Even get those new clients between now and the end of the year.  If you’re a small business owner like I am – either a creative business online like our budget shop, selling products that you’re passionate about or just finding you’re footing in a new career – then this time of year is a favorite season of business ownership.

There are two possibilities at this point:

You either are so busy that you’re running around like a crazy person with to-do lists piled everywhere.

You’re dreaming up your new goals for the upcoming year.

No matter which category you fall into there are a few things you can do each and every day.  Let’s go through three things you can do today to increase revenue and jump start your business:

Ask For Help. 

Let’s get something straight – as mommas and/or business owners, we cannot do it all ourselves.  You need help and guidance  from those that have been there before us.  We need help when we don’t understand.  Especially when we’re feeling overloaded and overwhelmed.  So don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Asking for help does not mean you’re a failure, it means you are brave and recognize that you need a team behind you.

So ask for help.  Ask for guidance.  Don’t be afraid to ask for someone to help watch the kids so you can finish one small project.  Ask your friend that cleans houses if she can fit you in so that it’s one less thing you have to worry about before family arrives.  Ask.

Here’s a few categories that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for some help (although any category is a green light for help):

Finances – whether you need help with your personal, family budget or on a larger scale with your company’s finances.  Make sure to get the help you need – we offer one-on-one coaching to families that are looking for a clear path to get themselves out of debt.  If you need help tackling your company’s finances so you better understand where your money is going, reach out to an accountant for help.

Social Media – when it comes to running a business there is nothing more exciting, and yet, frustrating than managing all. the. platforms.  You know you need to be on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and every other new social media tool but it’s hard to find the time.  That’s when hiring a virtual assistant to work a few hours each week to create and schedule your posts can be a huge help.

House Work – during a busy season it can be hard to stay on top of everything.  Usually for us the first to go is our housekeeping.  We tend to do the bare minimum and let the heavy cleaning fall off, which means eventually it gets to be too much.  So don’t be afraid to find someone to come in every other week or so to do the heavy lifting for you – dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, and so on.  You can have a housekeeper come in for a small investment and have them help with specific tasks – clean baseboards, clean cobwebs out of corners, clean bathrooms, etc. so that you just have to handle the smaller tasks.

Dream As If It’s Happened.

I learned this from a few other successful business owners and have found it to be super powerful in my own life.  Write your dreams and goals as if they’ve already happened.  Instead of saying “I plan to have 10 new clients this month.” Start saying, “I will be an motivational coach by having 10 or more new clients sign up this month.”

Once you start believing in your dreams as if they are a reality then there’s only one way you can go.

The more you know, the greater you will grow. 

When you’re struggling with an area in your life or your business, then research it. Google, Youtube, and other resources are great ways to dig deep into your problem areas.  Leaders that have come before you are great mentors to help you reach your goals because they have paved the way for you.  To help reach your goals get books on those topics, listen to podcasts, read the blogs and put in the work.

Now I’m not suggesting going to Dr. Google or Dr. FB for all your medical answers, that should be left to the medical professionals.  However, you can use online resources to help you better understand what you’re working towards.  The best part?  You should be able to find your answers for free (it may just take some work).

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Stop Putting Yourself Down. 

You are worthy of growth.  So, please start believing in yourself.  You need to make sure you understand that your products, your mentoring, your business is worth the cost.  Stop selling yourself short and stop undercutting your sales.  If you want to grow then you need to believe in your products.  You need to stop being fearful of letting others know what exactly you do.

Yes, it can be scary putting yourself out there online, but if you have big aspirations then you need to stop letting your fear get the best of you.  Be brave.

You’ll notice that I mentioned my one-on-one budget coaching earlier in this post.  Not because I’m fishing for a sale, but because I believe in my products.  I know my products work and have helped other families and that gives me the confidence to mention them.  Either you’re interested or you’re not and that’s okay.

Don’t start believing that one or two or five rejections are a reflection on you.  Not everyone will be a good fit for you or your services or products and that’s okay.

Want More?

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!

Stun Gun Training 101

stun gun training, stun gun tips, damsel in defense stun gun, get a grip stun gun

Have you ever heard the sound of a stun gun before?

I can almost promise you that if you have then there is no mistaking that sound.  I’ll even bet if you haven’t heard it before and one was turned on… you would know what it was without hesitation.

It’s unforgettable sound.  One that instantly causes you to clinch.  And guess what?  That’s a good thing.

Yes, a very good thing.

Because if you know that sound and are weary of it then so will a would-be attacker.  And friends, that’s a very good thing.

Not every woman feels comfortable carrying a gun.  Not every place allows a gun.  But every woman should be protected at all times.  That’s where a stun gun comes in handy.  It’s non-lethal.  It’s easy to use.  It can scare the bejesus out of someone.

If you’ve never held a stun gun before and have no clue why you would even consider one then I strongly encourage you to watch today’s video.

I’m going through a simple stun gun training to show the benefits of carrying a stun gun and the ease of using one.  Let’s bust some myths when it comes to stun guns!

You can watch the stun gun training video online or down below:

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The stun gun mentioned in the video is the Get A Grip from Damsel in Defense.  We are a company built to equip women with self-defense tools, educate you on how to use them so you feel empowered to protect your family.  We do offer other stun guns such as the Striking Distance Stun Gun and the Gotcha Stun Gun that is disguised as a camera.  So you can find a stun gun to fit your personal protection goals.

A stun gun doesn’t have to be a scary weapon or a taboo subject.  When it comes to protecting yourself and your family there is probably nothing you wouldn’t do, right? So, let’s get you better protected or at least with a better understanding.

I go live every Wednesday morning over on Facebook to share a new Warrior Wednesday Tip so that you can feel empowered.

Holiday Savings Tips

holiday savings tips, money savings tips

It’s that time of year again – time to bust out our naughty and nice lists, check it twice and make sure all of our loved ones are taken care.  But this year, let’s make a deal that we’ll create a plan, stick with it and not do more damage then we can actually afford.

I recently saw some statistics from Chime that I thought was pretty shocking.  The fact that on average it takes someone 4 months (FOUR MONTHS) to pay off their holiday debt is beyond scary to me.  The point of Christmas is to give and to be together, not to dig ourselves into a financial hole that it takes until Spring to get ourselves out of it.  I mean, let’s face it, we all have some pretty big financial goals and if we’re wasting four months a year to just recover from Christmas then we’re never going to get ahead.  If you haven’t heard of Chime before, they are a second chance banking company helping individuals build better money habits.  Check out some other statistics they discovered:

holiday savings tips

That’s why I wanted to share some holiday savings tips with you today.  That way you can become more informed, better prepared and not be just another statistic.  In today’s video I’m sharing my four holiday savings tips to get you off on the right foot this Christmas season.  You can watch online or down below:

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Here’s a quick recap of your holiday savings tips to get you started:


Create a plan for what, who and how much.  I shared last year how to create a holiday budget and planner (or you can grab it over in the shop).  But the basics of any good plan to save money is to know what you need to buy, who you need to buy for and how much you want to spend.  This plan needs to be created BEFORE doing any shopping.


Once you have your plan in place then you can create a budget.  Make sure to include all the small details, too.  Don’t forget about the gifts to buy for family, friends, co-workers and so on.  Include any dishes you have to make, which means ingredients and grocery trips that will need to be made.  Christmas wrapping paper, cards, and labels and such that will need to be budgeted for.


This time of year, your best bet to find the most money saving deals will be online – or at least that’s where you need to start.  So once you have your plan and your budget that’s when you need to do your pre-shopping.  Take time to look online for any sales happening or to find the best price for what you want to buy.  Make sure you don’t walk into a store without doing your research because that’s when overspending happens.


The reason I love my holiday planner and budget so much is that it actually works as a checklist.  You’re able to easily see who you need to buy for still, how much money you’ve spent and my personally favorite, a gift tracker – that way you can see what gifts have been bought, shipped, received and wrapped.

Holiday Home Tour

frugal Christmas decoration ideas, holiday decoration ideas on a budget

Take a peek inside for a quick holiday home tour this Christmas season.

It really is the most wonderful time of the year…

Christmas is my favorite holiday for so many reasons.  It’s a time for re-birth, family togetherness, pretty lights, and lots of giving.  If you know me (or have ever been to our home) then you know I’m not much on having a perfectly styled house.  Hello #momlife! But when the holidays roll around my past glory days of decking the halls comes out in full force.

I have to still be careful with what decorations we use and where we put them because of Mr. Grabby Hands. However, now that he’s two we’re having more and more fun incorporating some DIY Christmas decorations into our home.

Our sweet tree…

frugal Christmas decoration ideas, holiday decoration ideas on a budget

frugal Christmas decoration ideas, holiday decoration ideas on a budget

We ended up picking this up on after-Christmas clearance from Menards about two years ago.  It was marked over 50% off and was such a find!  It was pre-lit, which is perfect for me – I hate having to detangle lights.  Most of our ornaments were either gifts from family, hand-me-downs from when we were little or DIY projects.  Of course I let our son hang his ornaments on the tree, which meant a glump on one branch!

Our console table is decked out…

frugal Christmas decoration ideas, holiday decoration ideas on a budget

I found a local business that crafted a seasonal decor box with vintage finds.  I saved for that box and was so excited when it arrived.  Somehow Haley (the sweet owner) was able to perfectly capture our style.  She even found a perfect R to fit in the mix and a tool tray that holds an infinite amount of painted pine cones.  I cleaned off our console table to make room to show off these sweet items. Dent loves the truck and he’s always sneaking up trying to move it.

Renovation Queen is who I purchased the decor from and she is creating a seasonal subscription box filled with decor items.  Check her out!

Our dogs are feeling festive…

frugal Christmas decoration ideas, holiday decoration ideas on a budget

Back during our large furniture purchase a few months ago, I DIY’d this table top for our dog kennel.  It has come in so handy because now we’re actually able to use the kennel.  So of course it got decked out, too.  With some pretty garland, leftover ribbon from last year’s tree and some vintage deer that we inherited from family.

I think next year since our son will be another year older I’ll be able to expand our holiday home tour to include a few more rooms.  Ever since we transformed the guest room into a playroom, I’ve been struggling to incorporate holidays and decorating into the room since everything in there is fair game when it comes to playtime.

Winter Travel Safety Tips

winter travel safety tips

Each Wednesday over on our Facebook Page, I go live to share a new Warrior Tip Wednesday.  All about learning how to equip yourself and your family with self defense tools, educating you on how to use those tools so you feel empowered if a situation should arise where you need to use them.

It’s been pretty fun so far with sharing who Damsel in Defense is and why as a mom, I am so passionate about our mission.  This week, I went through some great winter travel safety tips and thought you could benefit from them as well.  No matter if you’re traveling far or sticking close to home, it’s always best to make sure your family is protected this holiday season.

These tips are perfect for long road trips or short drives across town, because let’s be honest, you never know what could happen.  I remember a few years ago when J and I were just engaged I was traveling across Missouri to head home.  I had been gone for work and needed to make the three hour drive home.  I had been on the highway for just about an hour when all of sudden I noticed cars stopped ahead.  I was no where near an exit so all I could do was keep moving forward.  A few miles later I was at a complete stop with very little information.  I had found out from a trucker next to me that there had been an accident due to the icy conditions and they had all traffic heading north closed.  GREAT!

It took about 3 hours for officers to clean the highway before traffic was re-opened.  THREE HOURS of just sitting in my car in 20 degree weather.  Luckily I had a full tank of gas, some snacks and a blanket to keep me warm.  After that incident I vowed to always be protected when traveling.

Check out our winter travel safety tips online or down below:

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Make sure to like our Facebook page so that you can get notified each week when I go live, which is typically Wednesday morning around 7:30 am CST.

Winter travel safety tips and products mentioned in this video:

Junk in the Trunk – roadside emergency kit

Road Trip – 6-in-1 emergency flashlight tool

Fleece Blanket

First Aid Kit

Where We Spend Our Money (Our Top 5 Monthly Expenses)


So, you’re trying to get your budget in check before the holidays so you can end the year on a high note and not struggle to gain momentum in 2019.  I get it.  Trust me.  Especially after learning how it takes most families an average of four months to pay off their holiday debt.  FOUR MONTHS, friends!

That’s bonkers!

This time of year I share a lot about setting up your Christmas budget, shopping the deals and saving the most amount of money you can, which is great.  BUT… if you don’t have a good foundation to start on then you aren’t going to get very far.

That’s when today’s post hit me – I should be sharing where are money is going.  Now I’m not going to get into too many small details; however, I think it helps to see how others spend their money.  I’m pulling back the curtain and spilling the beans on our top five monthly expenses – the nuts and bolts of our monthly budget.

It’s hard to imagine where the bulk of your income should be going when you’re just starting your budget.  If you’re like me then you want to make sure you’re getting it right, understanding where your money is going and that you aren’t making too many costly mistakes.

You can watch our latest video on how much we spend on our top monthly expenses and why.  You can watch the video online or down below:

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Now before you go re-doing your monthly budget there are a few things to keep in mind:


Do you have an emergency fund started?  If not, then that’s step one.  You need a minimum of $1,000 in an emergency fund that’s off limits to most of your expenses (except emergencies, of course!).


How much debt do you have?  If you still have quite a bit of credit card debt, loan payments and store credit cards then that’s the second place you start.  There are a few different ways you can attack your debt, so make sure you find the one that fits your family the best.


Once you have most of your smaller debt payments paid off then you really need to start working on your retirement.  As I mentioned in the video, there is where I differ from others.  I believe in starting retirement sooner rather than later.  So watch the video for my best tips!


I’m a huge, HUGE fan of sinking funds.  That’s how we were able to pay cash for our new furniture and for all of other larger purchases.  So make sure you plan for those fun trips, maintenance expenses, and larger purchases in your monthly budget.

Need More Help?

Grab my Budget Success Checklist to get your budget in check before the end of this year.  This nine-step guide is perfect for helping you determine where your money is going and create a clear path to reach your goals.  I’ve even included a free budget template to get you started.

Have Christmas on a Budget

While we’re still recovering from an amazing Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it was appropriate to share one of my favorite posts from this time of year…

how to afford christmas on a budget, christmas on a budget, afford christmas, meredith rines, merelynne

How To Create Christmas on a Budget

Create a budget before buying any gifts.  By creating a Christmas budget you’ll be able to determine, on paper, how much you want to spend before actually spending a dime. It’s important to have a plan for your money so it doesn’t control you. Take a few minutes to determine who you need to buy, what you want to get, and how much you want to spend.

Cut out everything that is sucking your time away from family. Your kids, your family and your friends would much rather spend time with you then have another gift under the tree. So try to be more present when you’re with them and carve our special time with each other.

Gifts for spouses. J and I don’t actually exchange any gifts between the two of us. In the past we set a $15 budget for gifts, but with J being back in school we decided it would be easier to just not do any gifts. It works. If we could spend $30 on ourselves or spend the same amount on our son then we always pick our boy. Always.

Shop smart. Make sure to activate your Ebates before doing any holiday shopping. This time of year is when we earn quite a bit of reward dollars. Ebates give you cash back for doing your usual online shopping and even a bigger bonus when you signup.

Sell anything you don’t use. A great trick to help create some extra cash flow is to go through your house and get rid of any unwanted items. You can easily sell items on Facebook Swap Shops, Craigslist, and Ebay.

Don’t be afraid of DIY Christmas gifts. There are some great DIY gift ideas you can make. You might even have everything for a great gift at your house and it won’t cost you anything.

Bake your gifts for neighbors. I love the idea of being kind to our neighbors, trash men, and mailman. However, it doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. You can having a baking day with friends where each of you bake one or two different cookie recipes then at the end of the day you split the cookies. You can go to the dollar store and buy an inexpensive serving tray to deliver them to your neighbors.

Plan to give back. One of the biggest gifts you can give to someone is by helping them out. This time of year is a great way to help local charities and churches. When I was little, I remember my Mom having us go through our toys to donate. We learned so much from doing that and it made us feel so great. You can easily get your kids involved by donating toys or volunteering to help create care packages. Anything so they can understand the bigger picture and the true meaning of Christmas.

How To Keep More Money Instantly

How to keep more money instantly

Raise your hand if you want to keep more money instantly each month!

**raises hand**

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “is that really a question? Who doesn’t want to have more money?

And you would be right.  I haven’t come across one person who tells me that they don’t want any extra money, especially this time of year with the holidays so close.

Let’s just think about what you could do with more money each month – would you be able to pay down more debt?  Start your holiday budget a little earlier so you can breathe easier?  Finish funding your emergency fund?  What would you do?  In today’s video I’m sharing with you my go-to tips and advice for how to keep more money instantly without having to put any more stress on yourself or drastically cut your spending.

You can watch the video online or down below:

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Here’s a quick snapshot of what we talk about in the video:


It’s time do a little deep cleaning on your spending.  Print out banks statements for a month or two to go through.  Grab a highlighter and a pen so you can make notes.  Highlight any spending you aren’t sure what it is or any expenses that you don’t need to be spending.  For instance, check out our subscriptions.  Do you really need that monthly subscription box or gym membership that you haven’t used in months?  Just by going through your spending, you’ll be able to have a full picture of where your money is going.


Take a few minutes to create a list of all your opportunities.  These include any ways you can possibly make more money – now this doesn’t mean going out and finding a second job, but easier methods of increasing your income.  Clean out closets and sell unwanted items, savings from canceling those subscriptions from step one, finding a new client or two to on-board, selling your services (I sell my budgeting coaching program), create templates to sell (like I do in my shop), and any other ideas you may have.

No matter if you’re in a service-based industry or product-based industry make sure to watch the video to get my one tip on increasing your sales.


You have a clear vision of what you’re spending and you even created a list of how to make more money.  Now it’s time to get to work.  Pick three things to start focusing on and get started.  If you pick cancel a subscription service and find two new clients then that’s great.  Once you check one item off your focus list then replace it with another idea of your income list.  Keep going until you have checked everything off.




Who is Damsel in Defense? (The Mission, The Goal, The Products)

who is damsel in defense, damsel in defense, independent damsel pro, meredith rines

Have you heard of Damsel in Defense before?

No? Yes?

If you answered no then that’s okay.  You’re not alone.  I hadn’t heard of them until a few months ago when I was introduced at the woman’s conference I was apart of.  Once I discovered them, I researched like a mad lady (researching is ingrained into me), and fell in love with their mission, their products, and their goal.

I’ve come across so many that have never heard of Damsel in Defense before so I went live over on my Facebook page a few days ago to share more.  You can check out the video online or down below:

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Our mission consists of three principles that together we feel can change the world one Damsel at a time.

Damsel In Defense is…

EQUIPPING and giving women access to products that can protect them.

EMPOWERING women to protect themselves. Having an item in your hand in that dark parking lot just makes the walk to your car feel safer. It is not a false sense of security, it’s knowing that you are better off just carrying a deterrent than you were empty handed

EDUCATING women by providing them with resources to back up their purchase with self-defense training. Our relationships with our customers and our fight against the National Statistics does not end at the time of purchase.

Our company stands by self-defense products AND self-defense education. We realize that when you go to a gun shop and buy a gun that the clerk behind the counter does not take you to the shooting range to teach you all the ins and outs of aiming and firing; however, we feel it is in the best interest of all women to express the importance of self-defense education to our customers. We hope that you will consider equipping yourself with the self-defense training whether you purchase personal protection products or not.  Please keep in mind that we do not sell lethal weapons – like guns, we sell personal protection products – like stun guns, pepper sprays, striking tools, and personal alarms.

Damsel In Defense offers a product line that runs alongside an emotionally charged topic. Because of this we understand that we may not always have a fan in every person we come across. We pride ourselves on continuously staying educated and informed on the most current information. There are some that believe that self-defense should be down and dirty and not be wrapped up in a pink package. We disagree. Unfortunately, women are intimidated enough by personal protection products. It takes a lot for a timid woman to fire a stun gun. Damsel In Defense prides itself on making women feel more comfortable about arming themselves. Where else is a woman more comfortable than surrounded by friends at a party in her own home? Now we can offer her one of our wonderful Damsel Pros to bring them directly to her. The reality is that we are bringing self-defense tools into homes of women who would have otherwise never purchased a product of this nature. They were just too intimidated to walk into a cop shop and worried that they may be viewed as paranoid by their peers. NOT ANYMORE.

If you live in Southeast Missouri or near south county St. Louis and are interested in hosting your own EMPOWER Hour then send me a message.

If you’re interested in learning more about our mission, you can check out my website HERE and I even recorded a video showcasing what all is included in our starter kits that you can watch HERE.

How To Switch To The Cash Envelope Budget System (Three Ways To Make It Work For You)

How To Switch To The Cash Envelope Budget System (Three Ways To Make It Work For You)

Are you ready to make the switch to the cash envelope budget system, but aren’t a big fan of carrying all that cash every day?

Well today, we’re going to go through four steps you can adapt the cash envelope system to fit your family.  These steps can be adapted to fit your family, any income level and any goal that you have.

Make sure to watch today’s video for more details on each step.  You can watch How To Start The Cash Envelope System Without Cash online or down below:

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Here’s a quick summary of each step:

STEP ONE: Decide when to make the change

The first step in switching to the using cash envelopes is deciding when to make the shift.  Will you do it now?  Next payday? Will you wait until the first of the month?  In the video I share how you can make the shift at any point.  However, you need to make sure that all your bills are paid and taken care of between the change and the next payday.  You can use a bill tracker to help you ensure all bills are paid.

STEP TWO: Decide which categories you will use cash for

You don’t have to use cash for every single budget category, but you need to ask yourself two questions before making that decision:

  1. Do you normally overspend in this area?
  2. Can the overage be controlled with cash?

If you answer YES to these two then you need to be using cash for that category.

STEP THREE: Choose your tracking system

Tracking your spending is vital in making sure you reach your financial goals.  There are multiple ways you can easily track your spending, which I go through in the video.  If you aren’t sure why you should be tracking – check out my post that explains why it’s pretty smart to do.

STEP FOUR: How to deal with overspending

Let’s face it – we’re all human and we all make mistakes.  But the key is how we bounce back from those mistakes, right? So when it comes to budgeting you need to have a plan or system that gets you back on track when you overspend.  When it comes to using cash, it becomes pretty simple – if you don’t have the cash then you can’t spend money.  However, in the video I go through multiple tactics to the cash envelope system that you need to understand when overspending occurs.

For more help, check out these posts: