Buffalo Chicken Fries Recipe (RE-DO)

buffalo chicken fries

It’s been a pretty crazy week over here. I’ve been working long hours and we’ve just had a lot of stuff going on. I’ve been trying to find easy recipes to cook so we don’t have to spend all evening in the kitchen. If I get home and I’m exhausted then the chances of me cooking are pretty slim. So that means we end up going out to eat. It’s not healthy and usually not very cheap.

J and I have been trying hard to eat better and be more mindful about our spending.

At the beginning of this week we sat down and found a few easy go-to recipes for dinner. I’m not going to lie when I tell you that 2 of the recipes were for the slow cooker. That little gadget is like a gift. It’s easy to use – just put the ingredients in, set it to low and then walk away. Plus, my slow cooker bowl can go into the dishwasher (most, if not all of my kitchen items can go into the dishwasher! I’m just not a big fan of hand washing anything!).
As we were brainstorming recipes I remembered this buffalo chicken fries I had made. I pulled out my old recipe and decided to give it a green light. I even posted the recipe on here before, but it’s been close to a year ago since I made these buffalo chicken fries. I just can’t believe it! I mean, they were such a big hit with J and I actually thought they were pretty good, too. Did I forget all about them? I don’t know what made me think of them this week, but I’m sure glad I did. You can find my old recipe here, but I tweaked it a little this time around. And I have to pat myself on the back because these turned out even better than before.

Here’s my revised (and better) ingredient list for buffalo chicken fries:

6 oz. cooked chicken, shredded or cubed
1/3 cup buffalo sauce
2 potatoes, cut into slices (I used one russet and one sweet potato)
cooking spray
½ tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. pepper
1 tsp. salt
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 Tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

Optional ingredients:
sour cream
feta cheese
hot sauce

Set your oven to 450 degrees. Slice your potatoes into thin slices or wedges, place on a foil-lined baking pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray. The potatoes get pretty stuck to the foil, so I recommend spraying it down with cooking spray. That way cleanup is still a breeze! Make sure the potatoes lay flat and are not overlapping one another. Lightly spread the EVOO on top of the potatoes. You can use a pastry brush or sauce brush. Sprinkle on the garlic powder, salt and pepper. Place in oven for 15 minutes or until they start to turn golden brown and begin to get soft. Once the fries are done, remove from oven and turn the oven down to 350 degrees.

buffalo chicken fries - potatoes

Place the cooked chicken into a shallow bowl with the buffalo sauce. If you want a little more heat you can add a few drops of hot sauce. I don’t like my food too spicy so I skipped the hot sauce. Toss the chicken to cover evenly with sauce.

Cover the fries with the chicken mixture and top with cheese. Place back in the oven for about 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.
You can top with feta cheese, sour cream and chives, if you wish.

buffalo chicken fries

If you’ve seen my original recipe then you’ll notice that I cut back on the buffalo sauce. It was a bit too much last time. J likes his food pretty spicy, but even he thought it was a little overdone. I also changed the amount of chicken to 6 ounces. I try to position the chicken so that his russet potato and my sweet potato each had approximately 3 ounces of chicken.

This time around the buffalo chicken fries turned out perfect. I think I found the best recipe!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Recipe

Tags: buffalo chicken fries