Category: Meal Planning

How To Inventory Your Freezer, Fridge and Pantry

how to inventory your freezer and pantry

It’s no secret that I am a fan of keeping things simple in order to save money.  Honestly, it’s a lot of the meaning behind this blog.  I have found that when you keep things simple and easy on yourself then you’re more likely to follow through and stay motivated.  I think that’s why I love easy meal planning ideas and ways to keep our grocery costs down.  Because I hate going to the grocery store and I hate wasting my money by throwing away spoiled food.

Did you know that you can save so much money each month just by having a simple solution to tracking what you have in your freezer, fridge and pantry on the daily?  It’s true!  Just think about all the times you dug in your freezer for one thing to find something else you couldn’t locate a few weeks earlier.  It happens.  A lot.  That’s why I want to help you learn how to inventory your freezer and your pantry to help you save more money this year.

In today’s video I’m sharing the steps you need to follow to easily inventory your freezer and pantry (and keep it up).  You can watch online or down below:

Tweet this video.

  1. Take Out What You Have – empty your freezer and cabinets and lay out the contents.  Now you may want to start with your freezer then come back to your cabinets  so you don’t have stuff everywhere.
  2. Clean Your cabinets and freezer
  3. Take inventory – use this free Freezer + Pantry Inventory download to take stock of what you have and how many you have
  4. Put it back in order – put what you don’t use often on the bottom and then go from there
  5. Now do your pantry or kitchen cabinets
  6. Make sure to keep your inventory sheet handy so you will update it regularly

freezer inventory template

Make sure to grab your Freezer + Pantry Inventory.

For more details be sure to watch the video.

Resources mentioned in this video:

How To Set The Right Grocery Budget For Your Family

What To Include In Your Grocery Budget

Tips For Buying In Bulk

Ready for more?

grab budget success checklist

Grab your Budget Success Checklist to help you conquer your budget.  This nine-step guide will help you create a workable, flexible budget to fit your family.

How To Meal Plan & Stick To It Each Week

how to meal plan, meal planning tips

Ready to kick butt this week, mom?  Let’s learn how to meal plan and actually stick to it through out the week!

Let’s face it we can talk about meal planning, meal prepping and just about all the other supposed time (and money) savers when it comes to our weekly dinners, but it’s totally different when it comes to putting them into practice.

I’m going to share with you my practical tips and advice for how to meal plan.  But the best part, I’m sharing the secret sauce to sticking to your meal plan each week.

Check out today’s video with super secret trick and what’s worked for us to stick to our meal plan week-after-week.  You can watch it online or down below.

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Here’s a breakdown of our top tips on how to meal plan and then actually follow it:


To be effective with your meal planning you need to schedule it.  Set aside time each week or every 2 weeks to meal plan.  It doesn’t have to take forever, but just know that it needs to get done at that time.

We typically meal plan on Sunday right before we grocery shop.  It helps keep it fresh in our minds and makes grocery shopping a breeze!


Take inventory of what you have on hand in your pantry, fridge and freezer.  Try to use what you already have in your house.  That will help you save money at the store each week.


Now is the time to create your plan.  Here are a few tips to follow:

  • Try to include some of the staples that you already have on hand
  • Keep your ingredients list low so you don’t have to prep a ton
  • Make sure you’re using tried and true recipes (see the video for my tip on keeping your recipes in one place)


You have your meal plan so now is the time to go shopping.  Make sure to go through your recipes for the week to write down all the ingredients that you need, but don’t have.  Don’t rely on memory or force yourself to look at each recipe while at the store.  That’s how mistakes are made, items are forgotten and the wrong stuff is bought.  To save even more money at the store be sure to follow my list trick to help you save about 20% each week.


Make sure you remove all excuses for cooking dinner.  Try laying out your ingredients on the counter the night before (except those that need to be refrigerated or kept frozen).  Gather everything together including your baking dishes so that it’s ready to go when you get home from work.

BONUS TIP: For my super secret bonus tip on sticking with your meal plan each week, be sure to check out the video.  It’s the easiest idea and solves the biggest problem for so many families.  You won’t want to miss it!

For the resources mentioned in this video, check out:

Our meal planner and grab our free download

Want more help?

weekly meal planner and shopping list

Check out my perfect Meal planner and grocery list over in the shop!  This one-stop guide will help you know what you have on hand, what meals your family loves and will give you guidance to create the perfect meal plan each week.