How Not To Worry About Money (Tips For Financial Stress Motivation)

How Not To Worry About Money (Tips For Financial Stress Motivation)

Do you worry about money?  Be honest with yourself.

Have you have had an anxiety attack over a forgotten bill or maybe an unexpected expense?  Perhaps your income was considerably lower than you budgeted for and that sent you into a panic.

It happens.

The best thing you can do is learn how to control your emotions about money so that you stress less and find the motivation you need to reach your goals.

I’m sharing my top three tips on how not to worry about money so that you can reach financial peace.  You can watch the video online or down below:

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Remember, there are three main steps to help you reduce your financial stress:

Plan For The What-Ifs.

Make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected.  That’s when having an emergency fund is the best tool in your toolbox.  It can help you bounce back from an unexpected expense so much faster.  You won’t have to adjust your normal monthly spending, you won’t have to buy less groceries and you won’t have to do less just because your car needs to be repaired.

This is also a great time to plan out your sinking funds.  Having a sinking fund to help plan for those once-a-year bills (like property taxes) is great, but you can easily adapt your sinking funds to help create a maintenance budget for your family.  That way when your 10+ year old washing machine finally goes to appliance heaven you have a home repair sinking fund with enough to cover that new washer.

Have An Open Dialogue.

It is so important for you and your spouse to be on the same page about money.  Now it may not always be easy, but it can be a huge relief to have someone to talk to.  When you start to feel the stress of money pile on, have a conversation with your partner.  You can probably vent your emotions, they can listen and be the logically sounding board you actually need.

Be Forgiving.

This might be the hardest step of all, but it’s the most important.  Mistakes will happen.  We’re only human.  We’re going to spend too much, buy something that doesn’t work out, and we won’t make as much as we planned.  It happens.  It’s how you treat yourself in the process that’s key.  Learn to be forgiving – to yourself and to your partner.

How Not To Worry About Money (Tips For Financial Stress Motivation)

Find Out More:

Learn my fool-proof tips for getting on the same page about money with your spouse.

Learn how to become debt free while still living life.

Check out my tips for building your emergency fund fast.

Follow these steps to save $1,000 fast and easy.

Ready for more?

Grab the Sinking Funds Checklist to help you create a plan to save more money in less time.  Sinking funds are a great way to break down those big expenses that comes just a few times a year into more manageable monthly goals.  The best part about sinking funds?  You can easily transform them into a savings tool to help you get ready for your next family vacation.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget