In the Name of Blogging


in the name of blogging

I’m sure if you’re a blogger than there are things and stunts you’ve pulled all for the sake of a good post. What have I done, that I never thought I would, all for the sake of blogging?

Here’s what I’ve done for my blog:

– stood awkwardly in public while trying to get my picture taken
– rearranged a whole room for one simple picture, just to put it back like it originally was
– become more of a list maker (what I need for each post, post ideas, image ideas, and so on.)
– check Instagram way too often through out the day

meredith rines

Here’s what I’ve needed for my blog:

– pretty, colorful plates
– light reflectors to get the perfect shot
– photography how-to lessons
– photo editing – I use picmonkey and canva for most of my images
– clean images of my Mac laptop
– social media scheduling platform, I use Hootsuite
– a new cell phone with a better camera

You see, I could probably go on and on with what I NEED for this blog. But I think most bloggers feel my pain. One of these days I’m going to get smart and spend a whole day creating a bunch of different stock photos for my posts and Instagram shots. But that day hasn’t come yet.

What have you done in the name of blogging?

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Blog Tips