How To Increase Revenue This Year

how to increase revenue this year

With the end of 2018 nearing, now is usually the time we start to slow down and take breaks.  What if I told you that you can easily increase revenue and grow your business.  Even get those new clients between now and the end of the year.  If you’re a small business owner like I am – either a creative business online like our budget shop, selling products that you’re passionate about or just finding you’re footing in a new career – then this time of year is a favorite season of business ownership.

There are two possibilities at this point:

You either are so busy that you’re running around like a crazy person with to-do lists piled everywhere.

You’re dreaming up your new goals for the upcoming year.

No matter which category you fall into there are a few things you can do each and every day.  Let’s go through three things you can do today to increase revenue and jump start your business:

Ask For Help. 

Let’s get something straight – as mommas and/or business owners, we cannot do it all ourselves.  You need help and guidance  from those that have been there before us.  We need help when we don’t understand.  Especially when we’re feeling overloaded and overwhelmed.  So don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Asking for help does not mean you’re a failure, it means you are brave and recognize that you need a team behind you.

So ask for help.  Ask for guidance.  Don’t be afraid to ask for someone to help watch the kids so you can finish one small project.  Ask your friend that cleans houses if she can fit you in so that it’s one less thing you have to worry about before family arrives.  Ask.

Here’s a few categories that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for some help (although any category is a green light for help):

Finances – whether you need help with your personal, family budget or on a larger scale with your company’s finances.  Make sure to get the help you need – we offer one-on-one coaching to families that are looking for a clear path to get themselves out of debt.  If you need help tackling your company’s finances so you better understand where your money is going, reach out to an accountant for help.

Social Media – when it comes to running a business there is nothing more exciting, and yet, frustrating than managing all. the. platforms.  You know you need to be on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and every other new social media tool but it’s hard to find the time.  That’s when hiring a virtual assistant to work a few hours each week to create and schedule your posts can be a huge help.

House Work – during a busy season it can be hard to stay on top of everything.  Usually for us the first to go is our housekeeping.  We tend to do the bare minimum and let the heavy cleaning fall off, which means eventually it gets to be too much.  So don’t be afraid to find someone to come in every other week or so to do the heavy lifting for you – dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, and so on.  You can have a housekeeper come in for a small investment and have them help with specific tasks – clean baseboards, clean cobwebs out of corners, clean bathrooms, etc. so that you just have to handle the smaller tasks.

Dream As If It’s Happened.

I learned this from a few other successful business owners and have found it to be super powerful in my own life.  Write your dreams and goals as if they’ve already happened.  Instead of saying “I plan to have 10 new clients this month.” Start saying, “I will be an motivational coach by having 10 or more new clients sign up this month.”

Once you start believing in your dreams as if they are a reality then there’s only one way you can go.

The more you know, the greater you will grow. 

When you’re struggling with an area in your life or your business, then research it. Google, Youtube, and other resources are great ways to dig deep into your problem areas.  Leaders that have come before you are great mentors to help you reach your goals because they have paved the way for you.  To help reach your goals get books on those topics, listen to podcasts, read the blogs and put in the work.

Now I’m not suggesting going to Dr. Google or Dr. FB for all your medical answers, that should be left to the medical professionals.  However, you can use online resources to help you better understand what you’re working towards.  The best part?  You should be able to find your answers for free (it may just take some work).

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Stop Putting Yourself Down. 

You are worthy of growth.  So, please start believing in yourself.  You need to make sure you understand that your products, your mentoring, your business is worth the cost.  Stop selling yourself short and stop undercutting your sales.  If you want to grow then you need to believe in your products.  You need to stop being fearful of letting others know what exactly you do.

Yes, it can be scary putting yourself out there online, but if you have big aspirations then you need to stop letting your fear get the best of you.  Be brave.

You’ll notice that I mentioned my one-on-one budget coaching earlier in this post.  Not because I’m fishing for a sale, but because I believe in my products.  I know my products work and have helped other families and that gives me the confidence to mention them.  Either you’re interested or you’re not and that’s okay.

Don’t start believing that one or two or five rejections are a reflection on you.  Not everyone will be a good fit for you or your services or products and that’s okay.

Want More?

Grab our Cross Stress Off Your To Do List worksheet.  This guide will walk you through a game changing exercise.  By the end you will feel more in control and less stress, which means you’ll be able to focus on what matters most!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Career