How We Save $14,000 Each Year (Money Saving Tips | Minimalism)

How We Save $14,000 Each Year, minimalism money saving tips

What would you do if I told you that in 2018 alone we saved over $14,000?  Would you believe me?  Would you be curious about how we did it?

Well it’s true.  This past year thanks to a few mindset shifts and new habits we were able to save over $14,000.  Actually, it was closer to $14,700 in savings.

Think about what your family could do with an extra $14,000 each year.  Would you be able to finally become debt free?  Start saving for your retirement?  Or even start putting some away each month for your children’s future college expenses?

That’s exactly what we did with our savings, which I talked about in a previous post where I detailed our top 5 monthly expenses.  It’s a pretty nice feeling to not stress about bills and to know that one day when we’re ready, we’ll be able to retire without having to stress or worry.

In today’s video I’m sharing the 8 money saving tips we started this past year and how that added up fast.  You can watch online or down below:

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For a quick recap of our top money saving tips, keep reading:

Cable.  We cut the cord and have never looked back.

Meal planning and eating out less.  In the video I shared tips on meal planning and how that was a game changer for our budget.  I even talked about we prefer to use our slow cooker to keep us on track with eating out less and less each week.

Child care for our son.  This is a huge money saver each month for us.  We opted for an in-home sitter that treats our son like family over an over-priced daycare.

Christmas and birthday gifts.  Spending money on the holidays and birthdays can really add up.  That’s why years ago we implemented a gift budget system and have really stuck with it over the years.  We also make sure to use those credit card reward points to help us save even more.

Make sure to watch the video for the rest of our money saving tips and ideas.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Budget