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Letter to Miley Haters

Miley Cyrus VMAs 2013Dear Miley Haters,

Yes, her performance at the VMAs was grotesque.  Yes, if I had small children I would strongly consider not letting them look at her as a role model any longer.  But is she to blame for that behavior? No, she is not.

Miley is the outcome of the media, obsessed fans, and (probably) never being told no as a child.  Do you truly believe that an individual who is able to buy $1000s of dollars worth of clothes at a young age and has her face plastered all over TV and novelty merchandise will be a normal, productive person in society?  Then you are just plain blind.

Miley is getting exactly what she wanted.  People talking about her right before her new album drops.  It is not a coincidence that the VMAs air, every single news station from E! to CNN is talking about her crude performance and then her new album cover drops.

So, Miley haters we, the people, have created this media monster who is suggestive and crude.  She has never had a normal day-job and never will, she has never had to live on a “normal” budget or save for anything.  She is not someone that would function in our seemingly day-to-day life.

In other words, get over it.


someone who is fascinated by the marketing of it all

Tips to Simplify Your Life

merelynne tips to simplify your life

I am always drawn to articles, books, and readings about simplifying my life.  I run around all day like a chicken with its head cut off.  I’ve always hated that saying because I literally imagine a cartoon type chicken running around without a head in the middle of the desert.  Why the desert you might ask?  I have no idea, perhaps too many episodes of Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner as a kid.  Anyway back to what I was saying.  An article that promises to calm my life with just a few simple steps is like a magnet to my A-type personality.

I have learned through college, working, and then family life a few tricks that always work for me.  Now that I’m getting older I have found that these tricks are even listed on most of those fancy-shmancy articles.  I’d like to think I’m that smart, but it’s probably because I’ve read so many of them.

Here we go my top 5 tips to simplify your life and enjoy your life more:

1) Prioritize – sounds simple right?  You need to pick 1-3 tasks per day to complete each day.  Spend a few minutes each morning or when you arrive at your desk to think about your whole day and what all needs be accomplished.  Highlight 1-3 tasks depending on the time you have and the time you assume each one will take.

I keep a running to-do list of items at work, for my Etsy shop, for the home, and for this little blog.  I then pick 1-3 things that I need to do.  Usually the days I work I pick 1-3 to do the 8 hours I’m there and then maybe only 1 to do from home, Etsy or blog for when my work day ends.  I’m not saying pick a hobby task over your actual job – you gotta make that money, honey.

2) Pick What Makes You Happy – it is super easy to get swallowed whole by work; try not to let that happen.  Select 1-2 things each day that make you happy and fulfilled.

A few months ago I switched up my job to work at a local retailer.  Most days I would not get home until 9:30 and I realized that I missed having dinner with J.  Now I make it a point to have dinner with J every night.  Also, I chose Crossfit.  I’m new at it, it will always be challenging, but I am absolutely enthralled by it.

3) Block Out Distractions – get your environment ready to crank out your top priorities.  For me, it’s  not only turning my phone on silent but turning it over and popping in my earbuds to listen to some Pandora.

4) Just Say No – remember that drug prevention club in middle school?  Just Say No to Drugs… Okay, well maybe your school wasn’t as cool as mine, but anway you get the point.  Say no to things that are not a priority.  Keep yourself single-minded when it comes to tackling.  Don’t take on too much.

5) Breathe – I have a habit of running around like a crazy woman when I get stressed so I am still working on this one.  Every once in awhile remind yourself to breathe.  The world will still be here tomorrow even if you do not get everything done on your list.  It’s okay, be forgiving to yourself.

Now, I think this post might be more for me then it is for anyone else.  It’s a simple reminder to simplify your my life so that you I can enjoy more and stress less.


Spilling the Beans

spilling the beans

At the beginning of this week I talked about some changes coming and now I can finally spill the beans…

Drumroll please….J and I are moving! We are leaving Southwest Missouri and heading 3 hours away. J took a new job and we had 2 weeks to make the big move. GULP! 2 weeks to pack our whole place … This past weekend we went up, found a place that we love and then asked all of our friends to help. I have to admit I have been a packing fool and have made huge progress in getting ready. I think J is a little impressed with my organization skills this time around.

spilling the beans

I do have to admit, I am a bit nervous about moving. I’ve lived in Southwest Missouri for the past 7 years and before that I had never lived anywhere but my hometown. The new city is much, much bigger – more highways to navigate around, less friends nearby, and a whole new experience. I get butterflies in my stomach when I think that it’s actually happening. I just cannot believe it.

Want to know the best part? I will be less than 2 hours away from my folks, my sister and less than 15 minutes from J’s family. Plus, my grandma will be about 45 minutes away. It’s going to be so nice to have family so close… I mean, I could drive home for the day and it not be a 6 hour car ride, roundtrip. Yes!

Here’s to the next chapter in our lives!


photo by DColeman Photography

A tough subject: My Weight Loss


As I sit here with my fingers on the keyboard the only thing I can is let out a heavy sigh, my weight loss is a tough subject for me.

  The subject of my weight is really, really difficult for me.  I’m sure it is for a lot of people and I hope that someone out there can relate.  Truthfully, I am scared to write this post, I need to set aside this fear that I have building in me with every keystroke and get down to it.  Enough stalling already.

My weight loss and weight gain is a sore subject.  I have never been this super fit girl, I was not athletic in school, and I love sweets.  Actually, I have an unhealthy relationship with sweets.  People laugh at me, but if I see sweets or know they are nearby it’s ALL I can think about.  The thought of a cookie in the kitchen will consume my mind.

Let me preface this with – I was never heavy in high school.  I maintained a good balance between running around with friends and having a Mom prepare dinner for me.  Then when I moved to college and started living in a place where I had a choice that is when the weight gain started.  I could choose between dorm food, the Taco Bell that was in walking distance or ordering a $5 large pizza; let’s face it, those are not good choices.  So, the weight gain started.  On May 4, 2010 I was the heaviest I had ever been and I had enough.  It was time to focus on my weight loss.  I stopped complaining and I stopped feeding my sadness with more bad food.  I joined Weight Watchers.  It just clicked and I loved the Weight Watchers program from the start!

In the next year I lost over 50 pounds.  50 pounds!  That’s crazy people!  Then the best thing happened I got offered a job to be a leader for Weight Watchers.  I was ecstatic about this opportunity to share my story with others and help them along their weight loss journey.  All was going great for a year and then I started slipping and the weight started creeping back on.  I finally quit my job at Weight Watchers convincing everyone that it was because of a new full-time job and I could not simply take off for 2 hours every Tuesday to lead my meeting.  In reality though it was because I had gained weight and was no longer at my goal.  I was/am ashamed about that fact, but I just could not stop the landslide.  I could not find the drive or motivation to track, get in my healthy guidelines or be active on a regular basis.  I do not know why my motivation was gone.

It just was.


Now fast forward a few months and I am further away from my goal weight and my wedding is just 4 months away.  I’m sickened by my actions and my ability to let myself lose what I had worked so hard to gain.  Or is it gain what I had worked so hard to lose.

It’s time I do something about it… again.  I figured posting on here with pictures would really help my motivation.  I can do this again.   I know I can.  I know I can.


So, here we go.  I will commit to tracking my food – all of it, every day.  I will attend Crossfit 3x a week because I really do love it and feel so good after I am done, I will stop saying the words “I’m fat” because that is doing absolutely nothing for my self-esteem.  I will replace those words with “I’m learning” and “I will be healthy.”  Finally, I will commit to a weekly roundup on le blog of what was successful and was not successful.

If you want to join me then please do.  I would love the company and we can support one another.  I know that I will not reach my goal within 4 months, but I will look damn good in my wedding dress.

I will not let tomorrow’s holiday or a weekend at the lake break my confidence or give me an excuse to slide a bit.  It’s going to be a good week and I will be proud of my accomplishments.


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J-M-10082 photo by DColeman Photography.

Priorities.  I’ve given it a lot of thought.  I know what makes me happy in life from work-life to home-life.  I know what I need to succeed and go to bed each night knowing that I have accomplished something that day.  Whether my accomplishment is big or small.

For me, it’s pretty simple (at least I like to think so).  I need:
– the love of my fiance, J
– cuddles from two rowdy pups, Maggie and Tiny
– a job that not only pays the bills, but one that I feel I am truly helping someone else
– a roof over my head
– something to be working towards
– my friends
– my family
– being creative

A lot of these parts intermingle with each other.  For instance, being creative, having a job, and something to works towards can all be combined.  I believe that if I find a passion that combines all three then I will have found my dream job.

Having something to work towards is something that I’ve recently struggled with.  I graduated with my undergraduate degree.  One year later, I started pursuing my Masters.  Now, I’ve graduated and … now what?  It’s hard for someone who has always been working towards some sort of degree to know where to go to next.  I know that I need to find a career that I am passionate about; however, I am wanting to move out of Springfield within the next few years.  So, for me this time needs to be spent finding out what qualities of a job make me the happiest, what qualities I want to avoid at all costs, and where J and I want to end up.

It’s a process.  A deep process with quite a bit of thought and time.  I cannot rush and I have to go with the flow.

For someone who is as Type A as I am, this time can be challenging.  Here’s to hoping that I can take a deep breath.


10 Things I’m Thankful For

B&W #roadtrip

Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve decided that since it was Thanksgiving and all that it would be a good time to write down what I’m Thankful for this year.

1. My family. After this afternoon’s FaceTime session with them I realize that they are quite unlike any other family I know and for that I’m truly thankful.

2. J. It has been a wonderful year with him and I am grateful every day that we met sitting in Steak-N-Shake late one night.  It’s great having a guy that is so supportive of my ideas, my dreams, and everything going on in my life.

3. My friends. The first text I received this morning was from friends wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s great to remember all the fun times we’ve shared in 2012: a cruise, a haunted house, road trips, weekends at the lake, ‘family’ dinners, and so many more.

4. Work. This year has been quite a departure for me from the past several.  I started an amazing journey as a Weight Watcher Leader and have met so many amazing, supportive people since that time.  I’ve also been blessed with a job at a local law firm that has supported me through my school with a flexible schedule and has always been a place to go when I need an extra quiet study room at midnight.  Finally, I recently started a job as a Sales Associate at a retail store and cannot wait for my future with such a bright company.

5. Maggie.  We all know how obsessed I am with that pup so it’s no surprise that I can’t even make it half-way through my list without mentioning her.  Maggie and I have had quite a life together these past years.   I am thankful that she picked me that cold, rainy day in a hospital parking lot.

6. Graduate School.  Though I complain about it.  I am grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to further my education.  In less than 25 days I will be walking across the stage at Missouri State receiving my Masters in Business Administration degree.  Alright, so I actually won’t be getting my diploma that day, but I will be receiving an empty leather holder that symbolizes all the hard work and late nights I have put in these past 2 years.

7. My parents.  I know that I mentioned family as number 1, but the more I thought about it I really think my folks deserve their own number.  My Mom and Dad are awesome.  Seriously, I have the best parents around.  They support one another as they support their two kids.  I cannot say thank you enough to the two people who brought me into this world, guided me, and taught me to be an independent, educated, young adult.

8. J’s family.  They have welcomed me into their lives this past year and I’m grateful.  J’s family is absolutely wonderful and knows how to have a good time.

9. My Grandmas.  I’m lucky to have two amazing Grandmothers that have taught me a lot as I’ve grown up.  Still to this day the sound of wind chimes puts a smile on my face thanks to my Grandma D. who always had them on her front porch.  Grandma W.’s sandtart cookies are my all-time favorite and each Christmas I look forward to them.

10. Creativity.  I like that I can think out of the box (most days) and have a passion for creating.  There are so many ways to reduce stress out there and I’m glad that the one that helps me calm down the most is just so simple.

Okay, I know this post was a bit long.  Sorry.  Happy Thanksgiving and may your day be filled with happiness!

2 weeks

It’s been a long while since my last post.  I figured it was time for an update.

Life has been crazy and not in a sweep me off my feet, good crazy.  More of a I want to pull my hair out, I miss sleep crazy.

First change – I started a new full-time job at a major retail chain.  Training has been a great experience so far and I’ve met a lot of new people who are super nice.  The downside to training is that… well, I’m training.  I keep being moved from department to department and have absolutely no idea where I am going to land.  Another downside is that Thanksgiving is next week and this will be the first time in 5 years that I am working retail for the holidays.  It’s going to take some adjustment not being able to spend days with my family.  On a good note – I am so freakin’ excited about my new job!  Retail is a passion and I’m finally back in it.

Second – I’m still working my other 2 part-time jobs.  Honestly, the hours are meniscal each week and I enjoy what I’m doing so I can’t really complain.  They are just adding to what is keeping me uber busy.

Finally – 30 days until graduation! One month. I can do it. I can do it. I have no choice at this point! Projects. Projects. Projects. They are kind of taking over my life. Group projects, individual ones, tests to study for, papers to write. It’s ridiculous how much time I’m spending at the library each evening.  Honestly, I got done an hour earlier than expected tonight and that’s why I’m writing my post.

I can talk on and on about how tired I am or how I constantly seem to be sick; and perhaps that’s what this post will come off as, but I don’t want it to. I wouldn’t change one thing about my life right now. I really don’t know what I’ll do when I have graduated. It’s going to be a surreal, out of the body experience for a bit.

Grad school has been an amazing adventure and I’m pretty proud that I kicked its butt.  Maybe, the next time I have some free time, I’ll write about my favorite parts of grad school… ya, that’d be a good, exciting posts. Right? Right!

Until next time…

Fall is here

Morning cuddle buddy #dog
J and I are fighting off colds and have spent most of the weekend wrapped up in blankets watching football.

Headed to the park for a walk. Look who's excited!

We did get up and out yesterday. Took the pup for a walk at the park. She was in 7th heaven, struttin’ her stuff.

I will spend the rest of today in a nice comfy chair wrapped up in my oversized fleece blanket working on a 20-page paper that is due tomorrow. Sometimes I surprise myself on how easily I can knock out a 20-page paper…something I never thought was possible pre-grad school.

I guess that’s something I can put on my future resume:
fast-paced essay writer about topics that are not interesting to me.

yea… that’ll get me the job.

Happy first Sunday of Fall!

What Makes You Happy?


eating healthy
having time to spend with my friends
cuddling with Maggie
working out
having a rewarding job
thought of graduating from Grad School in December
spending time with family
developing my photography skills
cooking (goes with eating healthy)
having manicured nails (even if I do them myself – still puts a smile on my face)

I was having a pretty rough day yesterday.  I thought to myself instead of complaining, write down what will make you happy.  I figured I can at least do something(s) each day that’ll put a smile on my face.

 My list is simple.

It will take me to stop doing things that don’t increase my happiness and replace those items with one from my list.

What makes you happy?

Friday Five

clouds copy

1) I have a thing for cloud pictures. I think that’s apparent.

driving copy

2) I’ve got a pup that is sneakily trying to learn how to drive. Take my eyes off the driver for one second and somehow she’s in the seat.

beernsalad copy

3) Yummy dinner with friends at Garbo’s in Springfield this past week.

outfit copy

4) Quick glimpse of my outfit this week. Now with school back my clothes are lasting much longer than my average 8-5 job. Try 8am – 10pm.

lake copy

5) Nothing beats a day at the lake. Tubing. Fishing. Relaxing. One word can sum it all up – perfect.