Spilling the Beans

spilling the beans

At the beginning of this week I talked about some changes coming and now I can finally spill the beans…

Drumroll please….J and I are moving! We are leaving Southwest Missouri and heading 3 hours away. J took a new job and we had 2 weeks to make the big move. GULP! 2 weeks to pack our whole place … This past weekend we went up, found a place that we love and then asked all of our friends to help. I have to admit I have been a packing fool and have made huge progress in getting ready. I think J is a little impressed with my organization skills this time around.

spilling the beans

I do have to admit, I am a bit nervous about moving. I’ve lived in Southwest Missouri for the past 7 years and before that I had never lived anywhere but my hometown. The new city is much, much bigger – more highways to navigate around, less friends nearby, and a whole new experience. I get butterflies in my stomach when I think that it’s actually happening. I just cannot believe it.

Want to know the best part? I will be less than 2 hours away from my folks, my sister and less than 15 minutes from J’s family. Plus, my grandma will be about 45 minutes away. It’s going to be so nice to have family so close… I mean, I could drive home for the day and it not be a 6 hour car ride, roundtrip. Yes!

Here’s to the next chapter in our lives!


photo by DColeman Photography

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Moving

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