Our Toddler Survival Bag [What To Pack For Your Little One]

what to pack in your toddler diaper bag, having a toddler bag, packing your toddler survival bag, meredith rines, merelynne

What do you keep in your toddler survival bag? Let’s be honest, having a toddler is like having the need to be prepared for the unexpected – at all times.  You just never know what type of tiny human you’re going to have that day.  Are they going to be fun, joyous and full of laughter?  What about adventurous and curious of everything? Or are they going to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and everything you touch, say, and do is wrong?

You just never know.

I like to consider myself lucky because Dent is usually the first two options when it comes to having a toddler – he’s fun and full of curiosity.  However, there are days, dark days that nothing I do is right.  And the only thing that makes him happy is one of his favorite blankets and a pop-tart.  Those are the days that I’m glad I know just what to pack in our survival bag (as I like to call it).

As your toddler gets older, you learn you don’t need all the same things as your diaper bag once carried.  Long gone are the days of needing bibs, multiple change of clothes, pacifiers, snacks, formula, blanket, toys, and many other unnecessary items.  To be honest, my once packed toddler bag has changed even now that we’re two and much more independent.  Don’t get me wrong, for long days away from the house then I usually do a mix of my old-style toddler bag and my new toddler survival bag.

Want to know the best part of my toddler survival bag?

It all fits nicely into my purse.  Yep! No more over-sized bag to haul around, no more having to forgo my purse because I can’t stand the thought of carrying two bags and no more stuff I don’t need weighing me down.

I believe our diaper bag, toddler bag, survival bag, or whatever you want to call it changes shapes, sizes and weights as your child grows.  Soon there will be a day that we can leave the house without any extra goodies added.

For now, though, I will stick with our toddler survival bag to get us through most of our adventure.  Here’s what I have in mine:

  • 1-2 diapers
  • wipes, usually in a plastic baggie since they are less bulky
  • pack of crackers or pouch of apple sauce
  • change of clothes (these are kept in the car and not my bag)
  • sippy cup of water

That’s it! Nothing crazy and you know what?  We survive just fine.  There is no need for multiple containers, baggies, snacks and clothes.  I keep a small basket of toys in the car to entertain him and that’s about it.  Usually we don’t even take toys with us into restaurants.  He sits and plays with the menu, cups, or silverware.  We find it’s important for him to learn how to entertain himself and to not make a huge mess when we’re out and about.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: MotherhoodToddler