Weight Loss Wednesday: Week 8

weight loss, weightloss
I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I’ve started these posts… I guess time flies when you’re having whatever this is…

I’m also 13 days into my Whole30 experience.  So I haven’t weighed myself or anything.  I can tell clothes are fitting better, but I’m not sure if that’s Whole30 contributed or a combination of it with crossfit.  Probably the combination, but who knows.  I was doing crossfit b.w. (before Whole30) and I didn’t notice too much of a change, except in my thighs because my pants were getting tighter there….

I’m no longer craving diet coke like I mentioned in Monday’s post.  Every once in awhile I get a craving for chocolate or ice cream, but I ignore it and drink water.  It goes away and I go on about my day.  I have noticed since starting Whole30 that I haven’t been hungry as much.  Maybe it’s because I’m filling my body up with better, more nutritious food.  I don’t know, but I like it.  I’m definitely keeping my portions under control.  I know portions aren’t a huge concern while you’re doing Whole30, but for someone who had a problem with controlling how much they ate, it’s nice to know that with eating cleaner it’s not so much a concern.  I have to admit though – the first few days I was starving.  I would take second helpings that were suppose to be for J and I’d eat them all. Luckily he’s not doing all of Whole30 (just eating what I cook for dinner) so I can easily make him something else if he wants it.

I can’t wait to see how my third week goes. I’m hoping to see some more changes soon.


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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Weight LossWhole30