A Day In The Life of A Small Business Owner

day in the life of a small business owner

Recently I saw a few Youtube channels where entrepreneurs chronicle their day.  I loved it and felt so inspired.  I wanted to do the same.  Because it became very clear after the first, second, fifth and well… you get the point video that all of us small business owners approach life, business and our tasks very differently.

There is no right or wrong, just different.  And that’s okay. It’s actually a beautiful thing if you think about it.  If everyone ran their business the exact same way then we wouldn’t have options and a variety to choose from.  So I love recording today’s video for a few reasons:

  • it forced me to realistic about how much time I spend on my business
  • that each day is different and that’s what makes being a full-time career woman and a business owner so unique
  • it showed me that just because an “expert” does it one way doesn’t mean it’s the way for me.

I’ve actually been pretty vocal about that last point for awhile now, but I usually relate it to budgeting.  Just because a budget system works for one family doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you.  Money management isn’t a one-size fits all, which is why I love bring tips and ideas to you.  Because what may work for you may not work for your neighbor.  So you have to be open to new ideas, but don’t be afraid to customize them for yourself.

You can watch today’s Day In The Life of An Small Business Owner video online or down below:

As I mentioned in the video, during the summer I am out of the office on Fridays so those become my business work days.  I try to map out what I want to accomplish.  I always start off my work day by checking out my Trello boards.  It’s what helps keep me organized and on track to reach my goals.  It also helps me with my time blocking, so that when I have an hour or so to spare on work then I know exactly where I need to focus my energy.

I make sure to plan in some time to clean the house so I don’t have to take time away from the fun stuff on the weekends and I like to allow myself some down time with either a good movie, reading or a nap (yes, I like to take naps when I can!).

For those of you wondering, we still take our son to the sitter on Fridays.  However, in today’s video he was home with me.  It was the Friday after the 4th of July, so it was nice to have him home.  Most Fridays he’s at the sitter.  We have to pay for him even if he’s not there, so we might as well let him go.  Plus, it gives me a chance to get caught up on work and I know he’s having more fun with friends then he would be with be all day.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Career