My Go-To Healthy Snacks

The idea of only eating three meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner – just doesn’t work for me.  It never has.  You see, I get hangry (hungry – angry) when I don’t eat a few times throughout the day.  So I’ve learned to adapt with small snacks in between meals.  I have a few favorites that really fit in with the IIFYM (flexible dieting) that I’ve been following lately.  It can be hard to find snacks that fit your macros while not throwing off your whole day.

Plus, I’m either on the go or in my office most days.  I need snacks that are easily portable.

5 Go-To Healthy Snacks

Here are my go-to healthy snacks:

Water – usually when you start feeling hungry (or at least when I do) it’s because you’re thirsty.  So always start with a big glass of water.

Cottage cheese – I buy the 2% with less sodium

Reduced fat Sargento cheese sticks


5 Go-To Healthy Snacks

Protein shakes – I’m loving Labrada lean body for her meal replacement shakes in chocolate ice cream

Avocado chicken salad – I make it as a dip with carrots or bell peppers

Nuts N More peanut butters – put those on some apples or even just stick a tablespoon in the jar to eat by itself

Skinny Pop is one of my favorite snacks because it doesn’t have to be refrigerated

apple cinnamon smoothie

Smoothies made with spinach, protein powder, Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and usually some peanut butter for good measure

Broccoli – I can eat my broccoli without any dip, but if I really want some then I usually take some Greek yogurt and mix in some ranch flavoring


Tyson’s ready and grilled chicken strips that just have to be heated up

protein pancakes

Protein pancakes – I make some in the morning and then take them with me.  They don’t have to be warm to eat and plus you can spread some peanut butter on top right before you eat (are you seeing a trend with peanut butter?)

Protein Mix – I kind of made that name up, but I take some Greek yogurt and mix in 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder.  I even had mini chocolate chips, peanut butter (surprise!), and even coconut to it sometimes.

Quest bars are perfect on the go

Healthy Breakfast Bar Recipe

Breakfast muffins – I usually whip up a batch of these on Sunday night and grab a few before leaving the house each morning

These are just a few healthy snacks that I love.  You can probably tell from my list that I don’t eat whole lot of fruit.  It’s sad, but true.  I have a weird texture issue with most fruits, so I usually have to put them in my smoothies.  I’ve also been known to mix in some frozen strawberries or bananas into my protein shakes for an added boost.



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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.

Categories: Weight Loss

Tags: healthy snacks