How To Plan For A Good Week (The 5 Tips You Need To Follow)

how to plan for your week

Are you ready to figure out how to plan for a good week so you can crush your goals? 

Well you’ve come to the right place.

For the longest time I felt as if I was barely surviving each week.  I always felt behind.  There was way too much chaos going on in our home and I felt as if I was never going to catch up.

Well if you know me at all then you will totally nod your head yes when I tell you “I hate chaos.”  I hate feeling rushed and under pressure.  Just ask J.  When we’re trying to leave town on a Friday after work the last words he’ll utter are, “let’s hurry up.”

When I start to feel rushed then I know something will slip through the cracks.  Like that one time we left on a 2 hour car ride and I left the diapers on the kitchen counter – all of them.  So it’s better to not rush me.

That doesn’t mean I take forever to get out the door.  No way! I have a system and a routine that helps me move quickly and efficiently.

So when it comes to creating calm and peace in my weeks, I had to take the same philosophy of calmness.  I needed to prepare for my week so that I don’t feel as if I’m running a sprint without any training.

I want to share with you my steps on how to plan for a week so you can crush your goals.  Now, let’s be honest these are not rocket science.  But they are smart.  They are efficient and they will help you.

How to plan for a good week:

  1. Make it a habit. Make sitting down on Sunday evenings a habit.  Don’t do it occasionally or when you remember.  Actually schedule it out.  Make it a family affair so that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Review Your Calendar.  Know where you need to be and when.  Make sure you and your spouse know of any games, doctor appointments, etc. that one of you needs to be at.  Also take a look at what you have to do during the day – client appointments, projects due, and so on.  If you aren’t keeping a calendar – start.  You can use a paper calendar that you find at Walmart or you can find a digital planner like Google to get started.
  3. Prep your outfits.  Go ahead and lay out your outfits for the entire week.  That will take the guess work out of selecting clothes each morning.  Now instead of changing your mind 15 times and wasting 20 minutes you’ll know exactly what you’re wearing and it will be ironed ready to go.
  4. Write Monday’s to do list.  Take a few minutes to write out your top 3 or 5 tasks you want to accomplish on Monday.  That way when you wake up with a Case of the Mondays you’ll be able to hit the ground running.
  5. Meal prep.  This is one of the easiest and yet, most forgotten tasks.  Spend time planning out your meals for the week.  You can use my two-week meal plan to help, but just do it.  To take it a step further go ahead and gather all the meats, vegetables and canned goods you’re going to need.  Put them together or as much as possible (I understand you can’t leave your chicken with your canned beans on the counter, but you get the picture) so that it’s easy to just grab, open, and start cooking.

Once you find a habit and start following it then you’ll start feeling less stressed about your week. You’ll be able to set yourself up for success and conquer the world.

Need more help?

Grab our guide to help you Cross Stress Off Your List.  This exercise will help you tame your to do list so you can stop feeling overwhelmed about having to take care of all. the. things.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.