Low Calorie Snack Ideas For Weight Watchers

low calorie snacks on weight watchers

What are your favorite low calorie snacks for on the go? For me, as I go through Weight Watchers and my weight loss journey I’ve realized a few things.

ONE: I am not someone who can go without.  I can limit how often I want to eat a specific food and even control my portions, but it’s hard for me to tell myself “never again!”

TWO: I am a snacker.

I think that’s why I love the Weight Watchers Freestyle Program so much. It gives me the flexibility to eat what I want, when I want.  All I have to do is track it and make sure to stay within my daily points.  On Monday I shared what I eat in a day to help me lose weight following Weight Watchers.  I had a few questions about my snacks and if I ever mix it up.

Of course I mix things up.  It’s hard to eat the same thing every single day.  I would even go so far to say impossible for me.  So I have to have variety in what I eat.  We tend to meal plan and grocery shop every two weeks.  So I typically grab quite a few snacks at the grocery that will last for two weeks.

Snacks are probably the easiest way to mix up your daily routine. But here’s what you need to remember when it comes to snacking…

  1. Don’t snack if you’re not hungry
  2. Try to include protein with your snacks
  3. Remember to track (if following Weight Watchers)

Here are some of my favorite low calorie snacks while following Weight Watchers.

Zero SmartPoints Foods:

Fruit and Vegetables – When Weight Watchers revamped their program they made most fruits and vegetables zero SmartPoints, which is amazing!  So you can easily grab on the go and not have to worry about messing up your day.  My favorites are bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, mini bell peppers and tomatoes.

Hard-boiled Eggs

Scrambled eggs with veggies

Nonfat Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries

Tyson Grilled and Ready cooked chicken breasts in lettuce wraps or by themselves

1/2 cup Nonfat Greek yogurt mixed with 1 Tablespoon dry ranch dressing mix then served with carrots and cauliflower

One SmartPoint Snack Ideas:

Cinnamon Sugar Pancake Bites

Reduced Fat Laughing Cow Cheese wedge with 2 mini bell peppers

1 Tablespoon reduced fat cream cheese spread over 3 slices of low sodium turkey deli meat with 1/2 piece of crumbled turkey bacon

1 lightly salted rice cake with an apple

Two SmartPoint Snack Ideas:

Reduced fat string cheese with an apple

1 chocolate rice cake with a banana

1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt served with an apple and a drizzle of light maple syrup

Slow cooker pizza used as a dip for bell peppers

Other Low Calorie Snacks

Triscuits (I really love the gouda flavor)

Pop Chips

Skinny Pop

Apple with 1 Tablespoon organic peanut butter drizzled on top

2 slices of whole what bread, toasted and served with 1/4 avocado spread on top

Tortilla chips with reduced sodium salsa

These are just a few of the snacks that I rotate through.  What are some of your favorites? Leave your comment letting me know!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.