Weight Watchers Weigh In [Week 5]

Weight Watchers Freestyle, weekly weigh-ins and meal ideas

It’s time for my weekly accountability post, otherwise known as my Weight Watchers weigh in. 

Ever since re-joining Weight Watchers a little over a month ago, I have been posting weekly updates.  It’s been scary and hard and motivating to share my weight loss journey with you.  I’ve been inspired by all the comments over on my Youtube channel and have really enjoyed watching your weight loss journeys, too.  It’s been amazing to know that I am not alone.  Sometimes I think us women tend to take on the world by ourselves because we’re afraid someone might judge us or might not understand.  But let me tell you – we are underestimating ourselves!  We are strong and supportive by nature.

So thank you!

This week went so. much. better than last week.  If you remember last week I had a gain that I was not happy with.  So this week you can imagine my happiness when I saw a loss on the scale!  I even want to personally thank the weight watchers leader who helped me get an even bigger loss!  If you’ve been around meetings for awhile then you know they took away the ability to remove your shoes for weigh in.  Some meetings allow you to place a paper towel on the scale so you can go barefeet, others don’t.  I was out of town and this new meeting did not have any paper towels nearby.  I mentioned wishing I didn’t have my heavy shoes on that day and the leader asked me to step off the scale.  She had me take off my shoes, place them on the scale (which they weighed 1.2 pounds!!) and then she zeroed out the scale.  I put my shoes back on and then stepped up on the scale for a second time.


You can watch this week’s Weight Watchers weigh in online or down below:

For the upcoming week my goals are simple – walk more and track what I eat.

I’m also going to start a blue dot challenge for the rest of this week. I like the feeling of getting a blue dot at the end of the day (I’m a former bravo sticker junkie!) so it’s going to be good to see that accomplishment each day.

What are you new goals for this week?  Leave a comment and let me know!

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.