10 Affordable Mother’s Day Ideas

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Hey there Mommas! It’s almost that time of year.  You know the time I’m talking about. When our men need a little nudge and some easy hints.  Mother’s Day is just around the corner. You might be someone who doesn’t necessarily need all the glitz and glamour of Mother’s Day, but you do want some acknowledgement.  Because let’s face it – we do a lot!  We bust our butts every day to make sure the house is running smooth, kids are fed and alive, and our careers on top it.

To help out Dad and your kids so that they can easily spoil you without breaking their backs or the bank account, then check out these great ideas.

DIY Sugar Scrub

This simple idea can be found all over Pinterest.  These are simple to create. Dad can even involve the little ones in helping pour the ingredients and mix it all together.  I really love this one.

Breakfast In Bed

This is a classic idea, but it’s still a favorite.  There is nothing better than being pampered first thing in the morning.  But let’s face it – we’ll probably have a mess to cleanup afterwards.  So be sure to pick easy foods that don’t create a huge mess.  I like the idea of freezer waffles, no mess and no fuss.

Clean House

As Moms we clean all. the. time. There is always a mess to pick up, shoes to put away and counters to wipe off.  So this year, a clean house is my number one wish.  Someone else to do all the sweeping, dusting, changing sheets, laundry, and all the small things that go into having a clean house.  He’ll even get bonus points for doing it while I’m not home!

Mid-Day Nap

When our little man was younger, I would always try to nap when he did.  Now, it didn’t always happen but that wasn’t for lack of trying.  Nowadays it seems the only mid-day naps I get are when I’m sick… So a mid-day nap (that last for more than 20 minutes) would be just ah-mazing!

100 Reasons

This simple idea may take some creative juices from your man and your little ones, but it’s really sweet.  I saw this on Pinterest a while back and thought it was so cute.  Everyone write down something they love about Mom and then either hang it from the ceiling for when she wakes up or package them up as a sweet gift.

Handmade Art

As Moms we get a TON of artwork from our kids.  My son is only 2 and I already have a fridge full of pieces, but there is still something sweet about a card your baby painted, drew, or wrote on.

Detail Her Car

Again, this inexpensive Mother’s Day gift idea is perfect for any mom.  I’ve met so many moms whose cars look like an explosion went off in them.  There is a never ending pile of clothes, socks, shoes, and sippy cups on the floorboard.  No matter how many times you clean up your car, it always comes back.  A nice detailed car would be perfect.  It may not last long, but it would make a huge impression!

Movie Night – Her Pick

Most moms let their spouse or kids pick the movie for family night.  It’s rare they get to watch their favorite.  For me, it’s because no one else really likes a good Rom-Com like I do.  So I suffer through cop movies, war movies, and animated troll movies.  It’s all for the greater good, I know that.  But just once a Mom would love to pick their movie, all the family be together and no one complain.

Cook Her Favorite

Maybe this one goes with cleaning the house, but cooking is not enjoyable when you have a husband to cook for, a picky toddler and yourself.  Usually you end up preparing three different versions of the same meal and that’s not even a guarantee everyone will eat.  So instead of her worrying about dinner, maybe Dad and the kids can prepare Mom’s favorite.

Hand Over The Remote For The WHOLE Day

This one is more for the Dads then the kids, but it’s so worth it.  Moms never get a say in the evening TV pick or the weekend game.  So give her free reign to control the TV.  Around here, I would choose to have the TV off ALL DAY.  That way we can play with less distractions and just enjoy being together.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.