The Categories For Your Budget (How Much You Should Budget For Each Category)

how much you should budget each month

Tired of asking yourself (and other experts) how much you should budget each month when it comes to groceries, mortgage, and everything else?  Well you’re in luck!

I’ve got the magic formula.

This formula is what my family uses and has helped us pay off over $40,000 worth of debt in under three years.  It’s also the same formula that allowed my husband to take a year off of work to go back to school full-time.  It literally saved our butts so that we could still enjoy our lives while making less money.

It’s the key to really zeroing in on a budget that fits your family.

In today’s video I’m sharing the magic formula so that no matter you income level you can determine exactly how much you should be budgeting for each category.  This formula can be applied if only one person works, both of you work, you’re renting your home, you’ve bought your home, live in a city, live in the country – wherever.  It’s a universal formula that can be applied to your entire budget to help you determine a healthy spending amount.

This formula works great if you’re tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck.  If you’re trying to pay down your bills so that you can finally get ahead then you need to watch this video.  You can watch the video online or down below:

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Leave a comment letting me know one thing you were surprised by when determining how much you should budget each month!


Need More Help?

Grab my Budget Success Checklist mentioned in the video.  This 9-step guide will help you create the perfect budget for you and your family.  It breaks down each step so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, confused or lost.  You’re finally be able to create a workable budget that fits your goals.

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Meredith Rines, MBA, CFP®, a budget and financial strategist helping families pay off debt and live the life they've always wanted.