Tag: travel

The Magic of Being Alone

Every once in awhile I get in one of those moods that I just can’t shake off.  It’s frustration mixed with sadness, a sense of being overwhelmed, and desperation.  Usually the onset of these type of moods comes from a couple of hard days at work where I just can’t seem to do anything right, […]

Life is a ride. Simple phrase that explains so much. I graduated from college with my Masters. Celebrated Christmas with my family and J’s family. Traveled over 8 hours in a car in less than 36 hours. Rang in the New Year with J and some great friends. Started living on my own again. survived […]

Diet 7-Up Biscuits

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a day filled with love and yummy goodness! J and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving together this year.  Due to work schedules we both weren’t able to make the drive home, especially since our drive is in opposite directions of one another.  It just made it too difficult.  So, […]

10 Things I’m Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve decided that since it was Thanksgiving and all that it would be a good time to write down what I’m Thankful for this year. 1. My family. After this afternoon’s FaceTime session with them I realize that they are quite unlike any other family I know and for that I’m truly thankful. […]

Check Marks for Fall

Now that it is finally starting to feel like fall around the heartland I can create my fall to do list.  Here are a few of the things that I cannot wait to cross off with my favorite season of the year. 1) Ghost Tour of the historic Pythian Castle here in Springfield. 2) Carve […]

So many choices.

Packing to go out-of-town is probably one of my favorite things to do. Something about laying out clothes and matching accessories with them while all trying to stay minimal. It’s a challenge for a recovering over packer like myself. Here I am packing for a weekend trip to St. Louis. Going to be visiting the […]